Ode to Kobe: L.A. forward deserving of NBA MVP
Issue date: 3/8/07
Section: Sports
Kyle Dawson
Third-year print journalism student
In my short time at The Daily Gamecock, I've written a few things that have caused people to vehemently disagree with me. I've bashed Notre Dame, Alabama, Brett Favre and pretty much every other overcrowded bandwagon in American sports, but this column might be met by more opposition than any of the others.
That's right: I'm sticking up for Kobe Bryant.
Although the NBA season still has months left on the schedule, it's time to talk MVP. Who really deserves it?
My vote goes to Bryant.
The award is supposed to go to the Most Valuable Player. That has to be Bryant, right? Take him off the Lakers and they'd be struggling in campus intramurals.