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After Monday night's episode, Mrs. Scooter and I were discussing the desire to watch Heroes anymore. Its gotten all confusing with the time travelling, multiple Peters, Hiros and Claires. Ando ready to go all batshiat evil and Sylar becoming a housewife.

Claire looks fuckin' A hot in that black hair pony tail though.
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scooter1369;1285035; said:
After Monday night's episode, Mrs. Scooter and I were discussing the desire to watch Heroes anymore.

Claire looks [censored]in' A hot in that black hair pony tail though.

And so we have your decision. :lol:

I compare season 3 to WWF Wrestling post Andre the Giant body slamming Hulk Hogan at Wrestle Mania. Before that, I loved wrestling! Junk Yard Dog...Ricky the Dragon Steamboat...The British Bulldogs...Iron Sheik...King Kong Bundy. The good guys were the good guys...the bad guys were the bad guys, and you knew who to root for and against.

Then WWF changed everything (and I realize it was wildly popular with some and made them sick money) by blurring the line of good and evil and it lost something for me.

I get the concept of conflict within oneself and ramifications of good vs. evil in us all...I know it would get boring if the main group (Hiro, Peter, Claire, Suresh, etc.) were some sort of pseudo-League of Justice / Superfriends, but I think the writers have gone over the top with the time travel / butterfly effect concept and need to clean the story lines up or they are going to lose more viewers than they attract.
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Last night was the best episode of Season 3 imo. They finally seem to be funneling everyone into a common direction. (and somewhat cleaning up the clusterf#*% that was Season 2)

I still don't like the portrayal of Syler as the boyscoutesque attempt to become a reformed psycho killer...or Peter & Suresh becoming the bloodthirsty vampire-types, but I guess they have to keep us on the edge somehow. And everyone will have their feel-good ending as the two "pull it together" to curb their appetites and help save the world in the end, I'm sure.

Should be interesting to see how everything shakes out, and I'm finally looking forward to the next episode for a change. (as opposed to simply being left with a sense of disappointment from the past few shows)
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Spolier alert for anyone who hasnt watched the newest episode:

When Peter got close to his dad, he would have absorbed his abilities. Then when he hugged his dad he would have sucked his dads powers from him. Either it would have worked like two mind readers where their powers don't work on each other or they would have switched powers. I'm getting tired of them making up new rules as they go along.
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TheMightyQuinn;1299917; said:
Spolier alert for anyone who hasnt watched the newest episode:

When Peter got close to his dad, he would have absorbed his abilities. Then when he hugged his dad he would have sucked his dads powers from him. Either it would have worked like two mind readers where their powers don't work on each other or they would have switched powers. I'm getting tired of them making up new rules as they go along.

I agree. Heroes has decided to not jump the shark. It just sucks right now.
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This season's writing has been sub-par when compared to the great writing from Season 2. However, the story is a lot more interesting this time. The characters and their prominence are very interesting and fun to watch. I still think Hiro is the key. And Sylar. Sylar's ability to touch anything and know it's history will come in handy. Hiro and Sylar will be the only people with any idea of what is going on.
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I'm out.

I have not seen Heroes or The Sarah Conner Chronicles the last two weeks and I couldn't be happier with my decision. I am down to exactly zero network television show that I watch with any regularity and I feel like a big turd shaped weight has been lifted off of my chest.
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Muck;1308206; said:
Season 2?! :(
Yes, Season 2. Season 2 was excellently written. It just had a really boring premise. Season 3 has a really interesting premise, but poor writing. If you combine Season 2's writing with Season 3's story, you have a good season.

The problem, imo, is the Writer's Strike. It really messed up this show. It was always meant to be a five season show, with every detail planned out. The problem is is that all the things that had to happen during the second half of Season 2 are being done during Season 3. If you look at the scenes from the episode that never happened, 2.12, you will see my point.
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Yeah, this show is shit now. I think Yahoo even had an article today about how it jumped the shark during season two.

Network TV only has a few good shows -- Boston Legal (sadly ending this year bc no one watches it), Chuck, and Pushing Daisies (also in trouble due to ratings).

The Office is still ok, but not nearly as good as the first two seasons.
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