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HBO television: the best on TV.

BIATCHabutuka said:
don't forget curb your enthusiasm.

when does that comeback. it ended last december (03) or so wasn't it.

New episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm are coming in September. Can't wait.

I've always liked Entourage and I think this season has been excellent.
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What did everyone think of the new one......ROME??? Looks like its going to be a good one.

2.The Wire
3.Curb Your Enthusiasm

One that I think really blows is The Comeback......un-watchable.
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I watched Rome tonight. It was OK, not great. I was interested because I finally read Caesar's 'Gaul' and some of Cicero's speeches this year. They're both characters in the show.

It had a little sex, but could've used more. But hey, that's true of most any show. :biggrin:
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Wow, so many posts giving props to HBO and no one has mentioned any of the mini-series, like Band of Brothers or From the Earth to the Moon. I dropped HBO several years ago because I just don't watch much non-sports programming any longer and I had to draw the limit of a $89 cable bill after adding RoadRunner service, but I loved all the comedy series that HBO has always had, whether it was two-hour stand-up specials or shows like Mr. Show with Bob and David and Dennis Miller Live.
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The only HBO show that I got into was Carnivale, which got caned after the second season. That's probably good since I probably won't have HBO again. I recently did start getting the Sopranos DVD's from Netflix to see if I could get into that. I'm about halfway through the first season now.

To be honest for my money FX makes the best shows. It comes with basic cable and pretty much everyone (unless they are a prude) normally likes at least one of their shows. The only one I watch is Nip/Tuck, but other people I know love The Shield and Rescue Me.
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I'll dig this thread up. I downloaded the entire season of Rome and liked it. I can't wait for the second season. As I said in the 24 thread I'm up to season 4 of Sopranos, so I should be all caught up by the time season 6 starts up. Carnivale was my favorite HBO show, but I must have been alone since they canceled it. I'm currently downloading Band of Brothers since I've heard so much good stuff about it. I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes of Deadwood when it was new and couldn't get into it. I didn't even make it through 1 episode of 6 feet under. I watched a couple episodes of Entourage and liked it, but didn't make a habit of watching it.
I'm probably watching less new TV than I ever have. The only new shows that I watch right now are Lost, Alias (cancelled after this season), Nip/Tuck (off for a year or so), My Name is Earl, How I met your Mother, Family Guy, American Dad, and Robot Chicken. I recently started watching Four Kings on NBC since I'm a fan of Seth Green (Robot Chicken). I haven't really formed an opinion about it yet. I don't know what I would do without all of the shows I have downloaded or copied from DVD's.
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Another show off of HBO you may want to check out is The Wire... I don't think it lasted more than three seasons as I haven't had HBO for over a year. But, I liked it.

I've been thinking about getting some of the episodes of Rome but I don't think I'd have time to watch them even if I had them

I couldn't get into Band of Brothers.... but I know a lot of people liked it.

I really like Everybody Hates Chris on UPN... the guy that plays the Dad is hilarious.... "that's 25 cents worth of milk you spilled on the table" :lol:

Four Kinds has been OK the first couple of episodes... I hope it gets a little better... Everybody hates Chris, Four Kings, Earl and The Office is a good way to kill a Thursday night.
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Another show off of HBO you may want to check out is The Wire... I don't think it lasted more than three seasons as I haven't had HBO for over a year. But, I liked it.

Actually, the fourth season of The Wire is in production now and will supposedly be out around september after the new seasons of Sopranos and Deadwood wrap up. I am also a huge fan of almost all of the HBO shows mentioned, especially the Wire, probably HBO's most underrated show. Omar is one of my favorite characters on any of their shows IMO. I was also a fan of Carnivale and was upset to hear it got the ax. Unfortunately, I do not figure that the Wire has much more of a shelf life left on it either. Supposedly, a bastardized (edited) version of the Wire will be starting up on TNT this year.
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Actually, the fourth season of The Wire is in production now and will supposedly be out around september after the new seasons of Sopranos and Deadwood wrap up. I am also a huge fan of almost all of the HBO shows mentioned, especially the Wire, probably HBO's most underrated show. Omar is one of my favorite characters on any of their shows IMO. I was also a fan of Carnivale and was upset to hear it got the ax. Unfortunately, I do not figure that the Wire has much more of a shelf life left on it either. Supposedly, a bastardized (edited) version of the Wire will be starting up on TNT this year.

good to know... I'll have to see if it's on DVD becuase that was one of my favs as well. My wife was really into Carnivale and Six Feet Under but we didn't get to see the final seasons.
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I agree with everything said thus far... I love Entourage, Deadwood and Sopranos. I still watch a few network shows (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, West Wing, ER, Scrubs, The Office, and My Name is Earl), but Fx has great programming as well with The Shield and Rescue Me and USA has Monk.

Anyone know the starting dates on the new seasons of Sopranos, Entourage and Deadwood?
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Final chorus for 'Sopranos'


Steve Van Zandt, Tony Sirico and James Gandolfini just hanging around.

LOS ANGELES - "And now, the end is near," Frank Sinatra famously sang. And so it is for "The Sopranos."
The last 20 episodes of "The Sopranos" are indeed the end, creator David Chase told writers at the winter gathering of the Television Critics Association.

"This will be the end," said Chase.


The series returns March 12 with 12 episodes, of which No. 11 will be filmed this week. The final eight will begin airing in January 2007.

Flanked by stars James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Lorraine Bracco and Michael Imperioli, Chase was cryptic about any plot twists. A clip of the upcoming season showing a bevy of recognizable guest stars, including Julianna Margulies, Hal Holbrook, Ben Kingsley and Tim Daly, revealed the most.

The trailer also has Falco's Carmela wistfully recounting her relationship with Tony and building to a crescendo of regret punctuated by the angry declaration, "I hired you to do a job."

It intimated reconciliation for Tony and Carmela and, of course, a lot of shocking violence.

Chase elaborated little on how Holbrook, Margulies and Kingsley would fit into the show, though he did say Holbrook plays an ailing scientist who becomes involved with the mob. Kingsley will play himself and Margulies will play a real estate agent.

"Named Julianna," Falco added.

Kingsley said Chase approached him and he found the script "delightful, witty and extremely well written."

Bracco's sister, actress Elizabeth Bracco (who is married to Aidan Quinn), will also appear as the wife of a mobster.

The cast was sanguine about the long goodbye for a series that has so far defined their careers.

"You get to follow the same character through a lot of the same ups and downs that you go through in your own life," said Falco. "I can't imagine any place else where you get to do that and what a thrill it is. It's not about finding the character any more. It's about actually being in it and going where ever she goes."

Gandolfini acknowledged playing Tony Soprano has placed an indelible mark not only on his career, but his life.

"When we started out, a lot of us... were reasonably unknown," he said. "You learn so much from all the stuff that happened through this. You learn about success and money and celebrity. It's been an incredible life lesson that none of us would have ever had if we didn't have this opportunity."

For the future, Gandolfini said he's not "very good at the multitasking thing" and although he's in discussions to play Ernest Hemingway in a big-screen film, he is concentrating on the task at hand.

"I'm thinking about finishing this the right way," he said. "It does feel like the end this time. It really does."
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