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Have 1 Ohio State Michigan Ticket

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So I bought 4 singles for the game for me and my friends but 1 has flaked. The ticket is in 2c row 23 and is general admission. I think its a great seat for real football fans as the view is basically the gamefilm view that teams study. PM me with offers. Not trying to make money as I bought the ticket for $550, but rather just trying to get some money back and not have to worry about this closer to the game.

Go buckeyes.
Hayn, arent you gonna be on the field anyway? How about letting some poor kid buy the ticket off of you for a very very very very very very very very ::pauses to catch breath:: very very very reasonable price? :biggrin: I know of just such a person...:(
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BuckNutJoeHall;659563; said:
Hayn, arent you gonna be on the field anyway? How about letting some poor kid buy the ticket off of you for a very very very very very very very very ::pauses to catch breath:: very very very reasonable price? :biggrin: I know of just such a person...:(

Yes, but I have peeps to get tickets for!

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