I agree that weapons need to be dumbed down some. The Bolt Pistol basically can be used as a shotgun if close range, which shouldn't be allowed...maybe take shield off but that's it.
The AR is just flat out way too powerful currently. I don't think it should be possible for someone with an AR to rush you spamming the gun, and you sitting there getting headshot after headshot on them with a DMR or BR, but they kill you. I can't tell you how many times i die to the AR when I get 3-4 headshots in a row with DMR, yet i die.
I'm fine with the Saw being powerful. It's not a loadout weapon so it should give extra perks. And it really is only good for close quarters. Same goes with sticky detonator. I've heard alot of people complain about it and say it's unfair, but once again it's a specialty weapon you earn or find.
The gun that i still hate is the Needler. The gun is flat out too powerful, plain and simple. People can spam half a clip of needles and kill you in 1-2sec. I've always thought the gun was too powerful in every Halo game, and this one might be the most powerful yet.
Also, has anyone else noticed random things happening in game recently? I've had alot of really weird things happening that shouldn't be. Lag has been bad, getting a kill but they get right back up and keep going like nothing happened, I've been 2 shot with USNC Pistol, getting killed with rockets after the guy is already dead, etc. Just random things like that, which shouldn't be happening.