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Glaring errors in NCAA 2005.

I just want to announce that i do now have the game, so i may not hate all of you quite as much.. and on texas beating oklahoma, even funnier is in my first season they lost their first game to i believe north texas.. oh, and iowa is 0-2..
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Aside from the DB’s being able to jump 15 feet into the air and knockdown LOB passes and linebackers being able to go stride for stride with WR’s I hate the Punting. After the computer punts and if you don’t catch it, they will keep on knocking it down field for another 20 yards until you fall on it or they fall on it. It is absolutely ridiculous.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Some problems I have found...

Lydell Ross finished 6 points ahead of Lumpkin for the Heisman, yet was not awarded the trophy. the Heisman showed up under Lumpkin's awards, not Flydell's.

Season 2 scheduling - the "game after the game." had Air Force on the schedule and couldn't get them off. I ended up switching it to Troy State since that's where Zwick transferred to (I play the option and option pass game).

this was weird too. recruiting athletes has been hit or miss. after my first year I recruited an athlete who rated out as a 96 true freshman defensive end. after year two I got the #1 athlete (from Canada no less) and he only rated out best as an 82 defensive tackle. yet the #8 athlete rated out as a 92 fullback (which I was kind of counting on since I only had one on the roster, Dionte, and didn't recruit any others, assuming the athlete would be able to play there for at least a year). Also, MLBs typically rate out higher at OLB, OLBs typically rate out higher at DE, and I even had an extra SS who rated higher when I moved him to RB to add some extra depth behind Ira, Erik, and Antonio. Playing around with the position changes is fun because you can maximize your speed.
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Yea, it's way too easy to recruit great DEs in this game. I find the following positions rate either as high or higher than their own position for DE:

Safeties (FS and SS): Try moving some safeties to DE, their points hardly go down! Have you ever seen a 190 pound DE? Well I have, but it was at Baldwin-Wallace.
MLB, ok I can buy these moves to DE, they at least make sense.
Athletes, as wadc45 said, can make rediculous DEs as freshmen. I recruited a 5* #2 rated Athl and a 4* Athl, they both were rated 92 at DE - 10 points higher than the #1 rated DE I recruited in the same class. WTF?

Recruiting Athletes, while a good idea, is crazy in this game. Most 4* athletes will translate into, at least, a mid 80s position somewhere. Rarely is it any less. They're very unbalanced. BTW, that athlete I recruited at DE has a 95 speed, is 250 lbs and 6'5" - unfreakin believeable!
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I've only been through one go-around, but recruiting in general seems much easier than 2003 and 2004. Before, I would struggle to recruit a 3* player as a bad school.

On 2005, in my first year at Florida International (What can I say, I like a challenge) on Heisman mode, I was able to recruit a few 4* guys, even though I lost every game on the schedule. One or two even had me as their top choice.

Has anyone else noticed a difference, or did I just hit the jackpot that the #3 SS in the country lived in Miami and always dreamed of playing football for good old FIU?
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I actually kind of like the ball bouncing around in the secondary. You actually have a chance to catch a deflection where it was nearly impossible in the past. Makes it more fun.

the defenders are able to jump too high. Makes passing really tough but I've noticed that if you lob one up in that sort of situation, the odds of the defender batting it down goes down greatly. So maybe touch is what's needed on alot of it.

I love how players walking around the sidelines knock over the refs and the chain guys real easy.

Has anyone had the game lock up yet? It happened to me right after I was done recruiting...really pissed me off.

The composure part of the game is driving me crazy. Too many receivers are dropping easy passes based simply on the composure thing. It's happening alot more than reality, that's for sure.
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Definitely alot more dropped balls. My first season on Heisman, Roy Hall couldn't catch a cold for the first half of the season. Two years later it's Nicol dropping everything in sight. It can get frustrating, but running the ball is still pretty easy on Heisman, as long as you dno't run the HB zone read plays...

It definitely is harder to get user picks, at first, but balls tipped straight up are almost guaranteed picks. I have found that bringing pressure and forcing quick lobs downfield gets your safeties a ton of picks.
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Have had zero trouble with INT's. I played as Sam Houston vs Syracuse and got 2 ints (user picks) it's the same as INT's for the swat ball drill in Madden 04. Timing, timing, timing.

Dropped balls yea I have had a few but incresed the slider for WR possesion up a few notches.

Have not done a dynasty (waiting for my memory card to get back with the rosters) yet so can't comment on recruiting. But I got a few 4 * recruits in 2004 when I was playing as Delaware State.

If you have a run heavy offense it's fairly easy to get 4 star recruits. I ran 70% of the time and had a truckload of top notch RB's wanting to sign. Had a hard time getting a great QB though. I used the location angle and play style/coaching philosophy angles to land my 4 star prospects.

I guess I don't see a huge problem with recruits that are 4 stars going to smaller weaker schools. It happens a lot. I mean not every recruit will get a starting job at a big name school and some don't want to be 2nd string for 2 years. So they sign with a lower college in hopes to get more PT.

Oh and yes you can switch tems around for dynasty. You select the add div II option and swap out the teams you want moved with any Div II team. Then you swap the DIV I school back in with the new conference.
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I have not had very many problems with passing other than drops and over throughs. I really like this game much more than the others since it is harder. In my opinion recruiting is much harder but it is still do able to get most of the players that you want. Also I was wondering if anybody else was having trouble getting their custom signs to appear when you play a game.
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I have made a number of signs, and have only seen one actually appear. I think it's pretty random, or maybe it has to do with hitting the "fan celebration" option. I forget, I think fan cel. is R2 + square?

Goof, I also wonder if your Celebrations are working fine, but you're hitting mascot cel. or fan cel. and when your player doesn't do anything you think you aren't getting the celebration... I could be wrong... there have been a few times where I thought I hit Player Cel. and nothing happend.. so...
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This is more of a question than pointing out errors with the game. My son has an X Box and I've been thinking about getting either the NCAA 2004 or the ESPN version just to mess around with on his system. My question is this...when you play a game and you call a particular play do you HAVEto guide the ball carrier with the controller or guide the receiver to a pass on a pass play or can you simply call a play and let the game take care of all of that for you? Sorry for asking probably a stupide question but I was just curious if anyone could give me an answer.
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Skins - on NCAA2005 (Or 2004 even) I know you can do what's called "EAsy Play" and the computer will do it all for you, unless you take control of the guy.. that is, even if the little star is under a player and you COULD control him, if you don't move him, he'll still move and such. EAsy play is found on the "settings" "Gameplay" menu. (I think it's called "Gameplay")

I don't know about ESPN's game.
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