went to PLDC there a really long time ago. Don't remember much about Baumholder, but I remember seeing this from the bus on the way there:
That's the Felsenkirche in Idar Oberstien (sp?). It's roughly a half an hour from Baumholder. There's a pretty dark story behind it. One brother murdered another over a girl then built the church to make it up to God.
I just spent about two and a half years in Baumholder. I absolutely loved it. Go to Hotel Westrich for schnitzel holstien. Seriously, it's so good that if you put a plate of it on your head your tongue will beat you to death trying to get to it. There is a nasty looking kabab shop on the main strip. That's the place to go for cheap, good kababs. Baumholder is about three hours from everywhere. You can do Paris as a day trip if you want. Frankfurt Haun airport is nearby, you can get very cheap flights to anywhere in Europe. Localy they have miles upon miles of great nature trail, there is Castle Kusel nearby, if you are military Ramstien Air Base has a fantastic PX. There are plenty of English language theaters. Everyone speaks English. It's funny, I would try to hold conversations in German. You stumble once they will switch to English and rufuse to speak german to you. So there we would be, me speaking broken German to them, and they would be speaking perfect English back to me. As long as you aren't a douche bag the locals a great. I'm very jealous of you right now.
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