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Game Thread Gator Bowl: tOSU vs. Florida, Mon. Jan 2, 1 ET, ESPN2

BuckeyeMac;2077317; said:
Absolutely not dude. Not all the SR's caused a mess. Don't let that overshadow everyone

That's the real shame in all of it (besides, you know, the complete wrecking of a season). The seniors who did what they were supposed to (not that there were many of them, but a few) have this as their legacy of their time at Ohio State.

As far as Posey, Herron, Adams, Pryor, Thomas go....last call. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. See ya.
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ysubuck;2077335; said:
That's the real shame in all of it (besides, you know, the complete wrecking of a season). The seniors who did what they were supposed to (not that there were many of them, but a few) have this as their legacy of their time at Ohio State.

As far as Posey, Herron, Adams, Pryor, Thomas go....last call. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. See ya.

And one guy comes to mind that sticks out...Moeller. Dude went through a lot here, and was a "teamplayer"
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