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owner of great buckeyes
Look at this BS.


Contact: Elizabeth Conlisk, (614) 292-3040

Holbrook to receive award for leadership in game-day culture change

Breakfast event honors her role in creating positive environment

President Karen A. Holbrook will receive the Academy for Leadership Award from the Harding-Evans Foundation in recognition of her role in changing the culture surrounding game-day behavior and alcohol consumption. The award will be presented at the group’s second annual Academy for Leadership Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Thursday (10/14) at the Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road.

Special guest speaker for the event is Greg Lashutka, senior vice president for Nationwide Insurance and former Columbus mayor. William Hall, vice president for Student Affairs, also will give remarks.

Proceeds from the fundraising event, co-sponsored by the foundation and OSU Harding Hospital, will benefit the OSU Student Choice Program, which emphasizes positive student behavior and activities.

WHAT: President Karen A. Holbrook will receive the Academy for Leadership Award at the second annual Harding-Evans Foundation Academy for Leadership Breakfast

WHEN: 7:30 a.m. on Thursday (10/14)

WHERE: Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road
WHY: The award recognizes President Holbrook’s role in changing the culture surrounding game-day behavior
brutusbabe said:
Look at this BS.


Contact: Elizabeth Conlisk, (614) 292-3040

Holbrook to receive award for leadership in game-day culture change

Breakfast event honors her role in creating positive environment

President Karen A. Holbrook will receive the Academy for Leadership Award from the Harding-Evans Foundation in recognition of her role in changing the culture surrounding game-day behavior and alcohol consumption. The award will be presented at the group’s second annual Academy for Leadership Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Thursday (10/14) at the Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road.

Special guest speaker for the event is Greg Lashutka, senior vice president for Nationwide Insurance and former Columbus mayor. William Hall, vice president for Student Affairs, also will give remarks.

Proceeds from the fundraising event, co-sponsored by the foundation and OSU Harding Hospital, will benefit the OSU Student Choice Program, which emphasizes positive student behavior and activities.

WHAT: President Karen A. Holbrook will receive the Academy for Leadership Award at the second annual Harding-Evans Foundation Academy for Leadership Breakfast

WHEN: 7:30 a.m. on Thursday (10/14)

WHERE: Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road
WHY: The award recognizes President Holbrook’s role in changing the culture surrounding game-day behavior
Wow. The whore is getting an award for destroying a tradition that actually predates her ugly old ass. Some one needs to throught hat bitch in front of a bus.
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