aka MartyrBuck
......... i guess you have to have personal experience with the look on a guys face right before he gets anally raped by a gang of drooling toothless rednecks to appreciate the humor in that picturedonny and his kin made that dumb bastard squeal like a pig ten minutes later. donny thinks anal rape is funny.
or maybe it's the fact that he has a few hairs that are ridiculously out of place, i can't stop laughing at that, someone get the guy a mirror for god's sake!!
no wait, it's the fact that there are 2 signs saying the same thing, those dumb bastards took the time to hand paint a second sign when there was already a sign up there, that's gotta be it!............it didn't hit me though until after i studied the dukes of hazzard + cat pic + bulldog pic that were posted in response to why it was funny, it all makes perfect sense now
Donny - that dog isn't really big, it's kinda short and stumpy actually