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Florida Gators (official thread)

1997 undefeated Reigning National Champs pay a visit to Death Valley at night.

Turn on the Way Back Machine, Sherman. I’m riding home from a high school Friday night game and car radio picks up some big ass station out of nawlins, LSU down by six with time running out and Billy Cannon starts to gain five or six yards with ever carry and drives them the length of the field for the winning score. I didn’t know who the hell he was til that night.
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Turn on the Way Back Machine, Sherman. I’m riding home from a high school Friday night game and car radio picks up some big ass station out of nawlins, LSU down by six with time running out and Billy Cannon starts to gain five or six yards with ever carry and drives them the length of the field for the winning score. I didn’t know who the hell he was til that night.

had to be 870WWL

I've heard lots of stories of people picking up that station from several states away back then.
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