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2025 FL DB DJ Pickett (LSU Verbal)


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Twitter: @DJPICKETT5


Class: 2025 (high school)
Position: Defensive back
School: Zephyrhills (FL) Zephyrhills
Height: 6-foot-4
Weight: 170 lbs
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Love the legacy part. He and Styles would be the tallest safety group in nation, or more probably, add 30 pounds of muscle, and line up at LB. Or another 40 lbs and try his hand at DE. Gotta go for the potential. Go Bucks!
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He has heavy ties to ttun, like his mom’s entire side of the family went to ttun or holds a position at ttun. That’s a layup recruitment for them that only Harbaugh can lose.

Tammie attended Michigan, DJ’s grandmother lives less than an hour away from The Big House, DJ’s late aunt, Niara Sudarkasa, was the first tenured African American professor at U-M, and his cousin, Michael Sudarkasa, is a member of Michigan Provost’s Advisory Committee. The connections are never ending.
“Michigan is a part of our legacy,” Tammie said. “Michigan is home to us. The recruiting with Michigan is a little different because it’s like family. It’s not as aggressive as everybody else. We don’t get the edited effect every week like ‘go DJ, we’re rooting for you.’ It’s not like that with Michigan. When DJ goes there, it’s like home to him. There is no other school like Michigan, and I’m not just saying that because I attended.”
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You beat me to the punch, I was going to say Bama needed to be after Tcun :lol: . Where is @Tomateaux Quinoa Gumbeaux where you need him?
I noticed that I came to your mind when the word gumbo got mentioned. Not that other LSU fan with a rodent-based username who now lives in the deserts of west Texas. I won’t tag him, but just refer to him as “That Guy Out West” instead.

This just solidifies my claim as Buckeye Planet’s #1 Authority on EVERYTHING about LSU Athletics and Gumbo!

Thank you for your support!
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