I haven't watched with sound on, so I don't know if it's safe for kids. But this is hilarious.
The first minute is some weird fight in the stands. Bad video - not much of interest.
Starting around 1 minute it changes views slightly, and the quality becomes way better, leading me to believe it's a different camera. And the situation changes to cops or security fighting with 1 guy. 1 security guy wrestles the guy onto the field, and 2 more security dudes come to help, though I'm not sure they're needed.
Black shirt, white hat guy decides he needs to be involved. One of the security guys tries to stop him from getting involved, but the black shirt guy takes no notice and pushes him aside like he's a 3rd grader. The other two security guys get involved and tackle him, leaving the first guy (I'll call him Washington Football Team guy, since it looks like he's wearing their jersey) alone. WFT guy seems drunk and stumbles in trying to stand up, but finally gets up and walks away, leaving his rescuer, the black shirt guy, to deal with the security guys on his own.
Another security guy eventually walks after the WFT guy, but trips over some cables. Unknown if they ever get him.