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Favorite Videos (youtube)

BIATCHabutuka;2336578; said:
youth league hockey fight in russia. 11 year olds


I'm not sure what my favorite part is yet. Is it the awesome music ? Or the 1:09 mark when there's a kid sitting on another just blasting away at the back of his head & then later proceeds to put him in a Steiner Recliner and continue to bash in his head ? I'm going with the latter.
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BIATCHabutuka;2337526; said:
deer gets hit by bus, goes through windshield and eventually leaves the bus
kinda sorta happened to me out here.. only it was a huge buck and his monster ass ended up dead/embedded in my windshield... but before he made it to the windshield he hammered my front end and knocked the engine off the mounts.. the cops disengaged carcass and rolled it over the hood and guardrail... antlers hooked onto guardrail.. and it was too heavy to do anything about it.. $14K later.. got my car back and by that time my boys climbed down the embankment to retrieve the 8-pt rack

wasn't nearly as cute as this clip
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