Just click the TEXTp resolution in the bottom right corner of a supported video, and it'll be shown as a pulsating, hypnotizing square of stylized digital pointilism. The results can be spectacular, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDe4v318f64&feature=featured&textp=fool"]like with Lego Matrix[/ame], which seems like it was born to be watched this way.
And no, you haven't lived until you've seen Trololo as ASCII art. I dearly hope TEXTp is with us forever; it could be the real future of internet video.
****you need to visit the youtube site with the video and change the quality (320p, 480p, TEXTp) to textp.***
It works for [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY7PlabgIYM"]lexco's PSU 09 video[/ame], but not the 09 season.
It looks really sweet for Lexco's 09 redemption video when it flashes the words & OSU logo [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3NCei0eJMs]link[/ame]