WTF is that...we don't speak South African!!!:)
[SIZE=+2]Captured Species
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<TABLE height=174 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="61%" bgColor=#669999 height=28>
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Illustrations by Chris Van Dusen
Images Courtesy of Seafood Business Magazine
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Latin: Genypterus spp.
French: Abadeche du Cap
German: Kingklip
Spanish: Rosada del Cabo
Russian: Kingkleep
Japanese: Kingukuripu
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</TD></TR><TR><TD width=260 bgColor=#99cccc height=71>There are four commercially available varieties of the kingklip; red, golden, black, and south. All four varieties are similarly shaped, and on the outside differ mainly in the color of their skin. The name of the variety, in most cases, indicates the overall hue of the fish. Buyers should be aware that the more expensive red and golden varieties can be substituted with the cheaper black variety. Black kingklip meat is lighter, larger, and firmer than the meat of its more expensive cousins.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE height=130 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="50%" bgColor=#669999 height=28>
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[SIZE=+3]Commercial Aspects[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=+1] [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]Exporting Countries
Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa
[SIZE=+1]Primary Consumers[/SIZE]
United States, Japan, Spain, France, Canada, South America
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[SIZE=+3]The Global Supply[/SIZE]
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