Who do you have that allows you to put Kamara on the bench?
1. I'll answer that question vaguely, because that's all the smartness I am.
2. And that should probably answer your follow up question of, "Why would you do that???" Basically, I just make sure my starting lineup is playing (no byes and no injuries). Then I let luck drive the boat. And that's the way the rest of the league is. In 4 years, I lost in the semis, lost in the finals, barely missed the playoffs (I was #2 in my division, but the 2 wildcards went to #2 and #3 in the other division), and last year I won.
3. So something had me bench Kamara. Stupidity? Probably. Maybe the app said someone else would score more. I don't know.
5. (Yeah, I know I missed #4, but I'm not going back to change it.) K. Williams for the Raiders got me 15.2 points. J. Mason for the 49ers got me 17.4 points. Kamara would have gotten me 44.0 points.
6. Our "draft party" involved 12 of us sitting around a table, harassing whoever's turn it was. I think the average time to draft was 5-8 seconds. It was great.
7. I'm currently winning 127.02 - 33.08. It says I have an 81% chance of winning.
8. Ha - My defense (KC) scored 11 points, and that's 12 more than my niece scored with her defense (Dallas).