I'm at a loss. I don't feel like I have a 1-2 team. I definitely don't have a 1-3 team, but I'm going up against one of the two best guys this week. His starting lineup has outscored my starting lineup by a lot all 3 weeks so far.....but that's not surprising since my issue in my 2 losses was who I had on my bench. I look at the RB list to see who I could trade for, and I don't see anybody that's even worth an attempt. I mean....nobody is going to give up Marshawn Lynch or Leveon Bell. If that trade that I initiated for Giovanni Bernard had gone through, I'd be sitting pretty right now. I think now is a good time to buy low on Eddie Lacy....but who do I even offer? My WRs who are supposed to be carrying this team are shitting the bed all over the place. The plan was for Cordarrelle to go off this week so I could offer him plus a middling RB for a star WR like Julio or star RB like Lynch. Now I look and realize that even though he hasn't done shit since the first week...he's still my best WR. My second best WR is Cooks, who you never know if he's going to see any passes in the endzone from week to week.
Meanwhile...the guy who doesn't know anything about fantasy is the only undefeated team, despite the fact that he would have lost to all but 2 teams this week. Big shocker here....he's had the least points scored against him so far this year.
Fuck fantasy football.