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The scoop on JRich is that he's very talented but takes plays off. There's been a lot of talk about Richardson stepping up this offseason... tho even if he holds off Wilson I still expect to see both play often.
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Well, Tress always likes to rotate 8 guys in on the Dline, so being the 2 deep is all that really matters. Maybe the coaches just like what he does working with Barrow, Denlinger and Penton. Regardless, Wilson will see plenty of playing time.
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COLUMBUS | Ohio State begins two-a-day practices Monday, signaling the start of a two-week grind. But receiver Anthony Gonzalez doesn't expect to hear the usual bellyaching.
"At this time last year, I was already getting a little fatigued, and I felt like guys were already getting a little tired," he said. "But this year, the tempo has been good, and nobody is complaining how their body feels."

No offense to Gonzo or the team, but it seems like we hear that EVERY season. That our team has vastly improved from the year before. Like last year, we were said that everything was in perfect shape to go out and win a National Title. However, after listening to Gonzo, it seems like it wasnt true. Im starting to take all of the "We are actually in better shape than last year" comments with a grain of salt.

But I still must say that I am excited for this group and the Two-a-days will seperate the men from the boys. It will help define the leaders, captains and starters for the upcomming season. Certainly an exciting time in Columbus.
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The scoop on JRich is that he's very talented but takes plays off. There's been a lot of talk about Richardson stepping up this offseason... tho even if he holds off Wilson I still expect to see both play often.

Richardson had the same impression following him, going into last season. No offense to him, because he is a talented player (or he wouldnt be at OSU), but hes a better backup than starter IMO. I too expect Wilson to garner alot of snaps in 2006.
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Like last year, we were said that everything was in perfect shape to go out and win a National Title.

Well, they were in good enough shape, from a conditioning standpoint. Keep in mind that if just one of 3 or 4 plays go the other way, we would've beat Texas; and if 2 plays go the other way against PSU, we would've beat them as well.

Tressel's teams NEVER seem to run out of gas in the second half or late in the season. That is all about conditioning.
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Well, they were in good enough shape, from a conditioning standpoint. Keep in mind that if just one of 3 or 4 plays go the other way, we would've beat Texas; and if 2 plays go the other way against PSU, we would've beat them as well.

Tressel's teams NEVER seem to run out of gas in the second half or late in the season. That is all about conditioning.

Thats exactly what im saying. Last year we were set up nicely to win a natonal title. But every preseason, you will hear guys talk about how they have vastly improved since last season. That even though it was reported that it was our players best yea rof their career, the next season we will hear differently. That last season we were wearing down easily going into September - despite the team ending up a top 5 team nationally. All I was trying to say was that no matter how good the group was last year, we are always going to get comments about the negative things and how they improved. Next season it will be the same way. We hear now that our defense understands that it has to mature quickly and that it IS ready for play. Next preseason we will hear something like, "Well last season we had a young group of guys that didnt understand how fast the game would actually be."
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Next preseason we will hear something like, "Well last season we had a young group of guys that didnt understand how fast the game would actually be."

Okay Nostradamus, it's nice to see that you've given up on this season before it has even started. Take their comments with a grain of salt, fine, but if we win the National Championship this year I'm pretty sure they won't be making excuses like that next year.

Edit: sorry if that came off as a little more negative than I wanted, but you're raining on my parade, the season is almost here! at least wait until the offseason to start talking like that, hopefully after the season you won't need to be talking negatively anyways
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Okay Nostradamus, it's nice to see that you've given up on this season before it has even started. Take their comments with a grain of salt, fine, but if we win the National Championship this year I'm pretty sure they won't be making excuses like that next year.

Edit: sorry if that came off as a little more negative than I wanted, but you're raining on my parade, the season is almost here! at least wait until the offseason to start talking like that, hopefully after the season you won't need to be talking negatively anyways

Its okay. I wasnt trying to come off negative. Im just as amped up as everyone else (maybe a little more since Im a Columbus boy that now resides a few states over, searchign for anything Buckeye on the internet!). Im ready for some football. Quit tellin me how we have improved and show us with some healthy Two-a-days and some great preseason practices.

GOD! I think everyone is foaming at the mouth right about now for some Buckeye Football! It doesnt help that Mark May, Reece Davis and the new guy picked Texas to beat us last night, or that ESPN.com brings up OSU traditions like our rivalry with Michigan or Dotting the "i".

I feel as Im trapped on a desert island looking at pictures of ice cold water that I can never seem to get to fast enough! Damn you BuckeyePlanet! :tongue2:
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Nice picture. Of course they had to put TJ Downings crazy ass in there. That guy is seriously nuts, lol - but in a good way. The Spring Game of 2005 when it was raining/snowing, Downing took off his helmet and was sticking out his toungue drinking the rain and stomping through puddles, lol. Man, you gotta love players like that.

Hey, grad, where did you snag the cool pic?
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Thats exactly what im saying. Last year we were set up nicely to win a natonal title. But every preseason, you will hear guys talk about how they have vastly improved since last season. That even though it was reported that it was our players best yea rof their career, the next season we will hear differently. That last season we were wearing down easily going into September - despite the team ending up a top 5 team nationally. All I was trying to say was that no matter how good the group was last year, we are always going to get comments about the negative things and how they improved. Next season it will be the same way. We hear now that our defense understands that it has to mature quickly and that it IS ready for play. Next preseason we will hear something like, "Well last season we had a young group of guys that didnt understand how fast the game would actually be."

Well, this is the first year with Eric Lichter in the mix, and I've heard nothing but raves about the immediate change in attitude and workout routine he's brought to the team. If nothing else, this year's team will be more consciously "predatory" than ever before!
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