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Watching. Always watching.
Staff member
Did anyone else hear Eric Clapton giving Columbus rep on Larry King Live tonight? Said he has four houses around the world but really enjoys his house in Columbus. Likened the surrounding countryside to the English countryside and says he really likes the people. Likened it to the friendliness of a small town where everyone knows everyone else. Said people just treat him like one of the locals and that he really likes it there and that he likes just getting in his car and driving.

Jorma Koukonen, the great guitarist of Jefferson Airplane (and pre-Woodstock Crosby, Stills, and Nash) fame, recently was giving Southern Ohio rep on a board I saw. Now this.

Most people my age idolized Clapton and Cream when we were teens and later Derek and the Dominos. I know his wife is from Columbus, but it was just really great for Columbus to have one of the greatest rock guitarists ever to give the city rep. That was really cool!
Steve19;957943; said:
Did anyone else hear Eric Clapton giving Columbus rep on Larry King Live tonight? Said he has four houses around the world but really enjoys his house in Columbus. Likened the surrounding countryside to the English countryside and says he really likes the people. Likened it to the friendliness of a small town where everyone knows everyone else. Said people just treat him like one of the locals and that he really likes it there and that he likes just getting in his car and driving.

Jorma Koukonen, the great guitarist of Jefferson Airplane (and pre-Woodstock Crosby, Stills, and Nash) fame, recently was giving Southern Ohio rep on a board I saw. Now this.

Most people my age idolized Clapton and Cream when we were teens and later Derek and the Dominos. I know his wife is from Columbus, but it was just really great for Columbus to have one of the greatest rock guitarists ever to give the city rep. That was really cool!

"Pressed rat and warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn't want to; 'twas all they had got..."
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Steve19;957943; said:
Did anyone else hear Eric Clapton giving Columbus rep on Larry King Live tonight? Said he has four houses around the world but really enjoys his house in Columbus. Likened the surrounding countryside to the English countryside and says he really likes the people. Likened it to the friendliness of a small town where everyone knows everyone else. Said people just treat him like one of the locals and that he really likes it there and that he likes just getting in his car and driving.

Jorma Koukonen, the great guitarist of Jefferson Airplane (and pre-Woodstock Crosby, Stills, and Nash) fame, recently was giving Southern Ohio rep on a board I saw. Now this.

Most people my age idolized Clapton and Cream when we were teens and later Derek and the Dominos. I know his wife is from Columbus, but it was just really great for Columbus to have one of the greatest rock guitarists ever to give the city rep. That was really cool!

Clapton is regularly seen jogging the Olentangy River trail. And Jorma lives near Athens, I believe. He holds a guitar camp down there. I was supposed to interview him when I interned at Ohio Magazine, but it wasn't finalized until I left for the summer. Jorma used to play shows in Columbus. If you ever get a chance to see him, go! I think (BKB and BKB) can attest to that.
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ekeen;959097; said:
Does Clapton live at Tartan in Dublin? Which Olentangy trails are you talking about? I frequently see Thad Matta on the Antrim trail - is that the one that is considered the Olentangy Trail too?

Yep, the trail that follows the Olentangy, from Worthington to downtown C-bus. I think Clapton lives in Dublin along the Scioto. Not 100% on that, though.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;959147; said:
Jorma's guitar school is out near Antioch, I do believe. And, yes, I do recommend seeing a Hot Tuna show.
Yep, the rolling hills of Southern Ohio. Known as the Fur Peace Ranch.

Booking is handled out of Pomeroy Ohio

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Steve19;957943; said:
Did anyone else hear Eric Clapton giving Columbus rep on Larry King Live tonight? Said he has four houses around the world but really enjoys his house in Columbus. Likened the surrounding countryside to the English countryside and says he really likes the people. Likened it to the friendliness of a small town where everyone knows everyone else. Said people just treat him like one of the locals and that he really likes it there and that he likes just getting in his car and driving.

Jorma Koukonen, the great guitarist of Jefferson Airplane (and pre-Woodstock Crosby, Stills, and Nash) fame, recently was giving Southern Ohio rep on a board I saw. Now this.

Most people my age idolized Clapton and Cream when we were teens and later Derek and the Dominos. I know his wife is from Columbus, but it was just really great for Columbus to have one of the greatest rock guitarists ever to give the city rep. That was really cool!

imagine sittin' over in the corner at bernie's some night, taking in gaylord dubois and the "smoking section", and "god" walks in excactly when gaylord is doing his impersonation of ethel murman as a boston rotatry pencil sharpener! whew!

speaking of which... is bernie's still there even?
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