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Hubbard, the falls in your signature have the same code. If you have two eggs, you have only posted one. It has less than two days to hatch. I emergencied it over at the fansite. You will lose that second egg, if you have it, if you don't post it.
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Ug. Yet another short sighted fix to a long term problem.

TJ already tried to fix this by making alt eggs look the same!!! Let's give his plan a chance to work... of course we won't see results overnight but at least give it a month or so, then we can start thinking of alternate ideas??? I really think once everyone realises that they have to raise those "normal" looking eggs to FIND OUT if its an alt or not, there will be fewer being abandoned (as breeders will have to keep a few until they are hatchlings if they want to get an alt for themselves or for a trade), and more being picked up (as ANY egg on that page now has a chance of being an alt).

No longer is an "alt" egg darker.
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OCBuckWife;1356718; said:
Hubbard, the falls in your signature have the same code. If you have two eggs, you have only posted one. It has less than two days to hatch. I emergencied it over at the fansite. You will lose that second egg, if you have it, if you don't post it.

Thanks! fixed!
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Art by dragcave forum user Marionetta, if you use these elsewhere, please credit.

I saw these today and fell over laughing. Ok, not really, but in my head I was falling over. They are well done altered dragon art with very clever and funny captions. I received her permission to repost them here.


  • Bajatrapped marionetta.png
    Bajatrapped marionetta.png
    2.9 KB · Views: 22
  • bragadocious marionetta.png
    bragadocious marionetta.png
    4.5 KB · Views: 22
  • Lioncourthatesus marionetta.png
    Lioncourthatesus marionetta.png
    4 KB · Views: 22
  • Oivey marionetta.png
    Oivey marionetta.png
    2.5 KB · Views: 22
  • Symonsays marionetta.png
    Symonsays marionetta.png
    3.9 KB · Views: 22
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Nicknam4;1358637; said:
The server is always down.

The guy who made that site is too stubborn to upgrade it.

Not anymore. There is a whole thread about it with pictures of the new server over on the forum. He is also going to have co-located at a new place soon with better bandwidth.
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