Buckeyes - Google News
Eagles hold off Buckeyes' rally - Athens Messenger (registration)
via Google News using key phrase "Buckeyes".
Eagles hold off Buckeyes' rally
Athens Messenger (registration)
TUPPERS PLAINS — The Nelsonville-York Buckeyes were on the verge of completely erasing an 18-point deficit. That's when Eastern's Jett Facemyer denied the Buckeyes of the massive comeback. Facemeyer dropped in three critical fourth-quarter field ...
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via Google News using key phrase "Buckeyes".
Eagles hold off Buckeyes' rally
Athens Messenger (registration)
TUPPERS PLAINS — The Nelsonville-York Buckeyes were on the verge of completely erasing an 18-point deficit. That's when Eastern's Jett Facemyer denied the Buckeyes of the massive comeback. Facemeyer dropped in three critical fourth-quarter field ...
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