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This e-mail has SCAM written all over it:

From: Eric Jones
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 3:29 PM
Subject: Mystery Shopper (VACANCY)

Schaffnit Consulting Inc
U.S OFFICE:3054 River Meadow Cir
Canton, MI 48188

Our company (Schaffnit Consulting Inc) is proud to announce to you that we now
have positions available( part time)
A candidate for the Mystery Shopper Position must meet the following
* Is resident of United States of America
* Has bank account
* Has full internet access (at home or at work)
* Salary starting from $200 for each shopping completed
If you are interested in becoming a Mystery Shopper for our company
*Fill in your details below
*Full Name :
*Address(Not P.O.Box):
*City :
*State :
*Zip Code :
*Phone # :
*Age :
What Type Of Account ( SAVING or CHECKING):
*E-Mail :

Thank you,
Eric Jones
Schaffnit Consulting Inc
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I agree with the sentiment - a fool and his money are soon parted. The more foolish, the faster it happens.

Short advice: don't EVER give out ANY information, when the call/email was initiated by someone else.
Just say I will call back the official number, and take care of issues.

If you answer a call, or reply to an email, with ANY information, you DESERVE what you get.
That shit is just STUPID, and authorities have been warning the public for YEARS.

If someone calls, say no thanks, I'll call the card company.
Get your card, call the bank/credit-giver at the number on the back of the card, explain what happened and see what they say.

If you give out the 3-digit PVV code to someone who calls YOU, then you deserve what you get.
That's just BUTT stupid.

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FWIW, be aware of this text message scam. I just got it.

Scam Alert: Toll Fee Text Scam​

Ohio Turnpike Alerts Customers of SMS/Text ‘Smishing’ Scam Targeting Multiple Tolling Agencies BEREA, Ohio

(April 22, 2024) – The Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission has learned that a text message scam, known as “smishing,” is fraudulently claiming to represent tolling agencies from across the country. The scammers are requesting payment for unpaid tolls through fraudulent websites.

The targeted phone numbers appear to be chosen at random and are not uniquely associated with an account or usage of toll roads. Some customers have also reported receiving emails through phishing scams.The Ohio Turnpike does NOT request its E-ZPass customers to make payments by text.

Collections of unpaid tolls and/or toll violations do NOT occur by text either.The only website links associated with the Ohio Turnpike’s E-ZPass accounts areezpassoh.com and ohioturnpike.org.

The FBI, which is aware of the smishing scam impacting several states, recommends individuals who receive the fraudulent messages do the following:
• Contact the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov, and be sure to
include: The phone number from where the text originated.o Contact the tolling agency’s customer service center.
• Delete any smishing texts received.
• If you clicked any link or provided your information, take efforts to secure your personal information and financial accounts. Dispute any unfamiliar charges.

We encourage all customers to stay alert to these types of phishing scams by text and email.

For questions about the Ohio Turnpike’s E-ZPass notifications, contact ezpassoh.com orohioturnpike.org.Contact:Charles Cyrill Communications Director Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission(m) [email protected]
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