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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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SmoovP;1941490; said:
One of the things that we haven't discussed is that Tressel was a very, very powerful man at OSU. Arguably the most powerful man on campus.

His departure creates a power vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum.

There are a lot of people that will be jockeying for position to claim a share of that power.

All Coach Fickell can do is worry about what he can control - and honestly, it isn't that much. Team preparation is about it.

With all that is churning around the program, all the distractions, all the controversies, all the departures, a nine win season looks like about the ceiling to me.

I'm guessing that the people in charge of deciding these things will want to start with a clean slate and an entirely new coaching staff in an effort to claim some of Tressel's power and put their own stamp on the program.

I'd be shocked if he is the coach next season regardless of the W/L record.
However, Coach Fickell can make things very difficult for them by winning 11 games and beating Michigan, but that's going to be a tall order.

Bolded points in order...

1. Powerful to be sure, but, it's a thin argument on "most powerful" (Though, "On campus" is a bit of a subjective thing, there are a number of folks in the "University Community" that you'd have an easier argument making... I'll let ORD list them, he likes that stuff)

2. As to shocked regardless of record, I don't know if shocked is the right word, but overall I agree.

3. I don't think 11 wins is that tall of an order. They'll still be the most talented team on the field, and provided they dont' shit the bed early, should be a favorite in all their games. Once again... is what you think he can do moving forward. Wins and Losses aren't everything as far as his future... he needs to do everything else right too.
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SmoovP;1941490; said:
One of the things that we haven't discussed is that Tressel was a very, very powerful man at OSU. Arguably the most powerful man on campus.

His departure creates a power vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum.

There are a lot of people that will be jockeying for position to claim a share of that power.

All Coach Fickell can do is worry about what he can control - and honestly, it isn't that much. Team preparation is about it.

With all that is churning around the program, all the distractions, all the controversies, all the departures, a nine win season looks like about the ceiling to me.

I'm guessing that the people in charge of deciding these things will want to start with a clean slate and an entirely new coaching staff in an effort to claim some of Tressel's power and put their own stamp on the program.

I'd be shocked if he is the coach next season regardless of the W/L record.

However, Coach Fickell can make things very difficult for them by winning 11 games and beating Michigan, but that's going to be a tall order.

That's the other key factor - if there's a new AD by the end of this season, which is a real possibility, then the new guy would be more likely to want to name his own permanent head coach.
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If he wins 11 and beats Michigan, he'd better get the job permanently!

I'm not quite that sanguine, but if they get good qb play and are able to block out the distractions, (or even better, use them to draw together) it could happen. Some big ifs though.
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jwinslow;1941394; said:
A three year Fickell contract costs less than one year for Tressel or Meyer. If he turned out to be a disaster it would be quite easy to go in another direction at his pay grade.
For one incredibly motivated season. If he had left and done that at Penn State for one season, would that make him a done deal as a coaching candidate right now? Not really. It would make him very intriguing but with plenty of uncertainty given the tiny sample size.Strobel, Odenigbo, Pittman, Washington and multiple others were done to Ohio State. Fickell is doing an excellent job with what he has to work with, which is a lame duck position and looming sanctions.
I misspoke earlier. It was two full weeks between the resignation and the presser. It doesn't take that long to prep.
But so will the recruiting, and by the time he has the ship righted and they are out of the NCAA waters (read: perception), many of the recruiting rollercoasters will be nearing the end of the tracks, if not finished altogether.

JFC. What have you against Fickell?
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I don't want to pee in anyones Cheerios, but 10 wins? 11 wins? Who is the starting QB? Who is playing WR? How is this offense going to score points?

Ohio State may still put more highly regarded high school talent on the field than every single opponent they play in 2011, but without a competent trigger-man, I think anything north of 9 wins is gravy.
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MililaniBuckeye;1941526; said:
JFC. What have you against Fickell?
Someone has been swimming with the honu too long.

I have nothing against Fickell. I always agreed with the crowd who wanted to see him get some experience and succeed Tressel in 5-10 years (before the rumblings grew louder that he was closer to retirement). I just have witnessed that OSU has been as unsupportive as possible. Asking him to flounder for two weeks with no introduction was a slap in the face.
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Dryden;1941581; said:
I don't want to pee in anyones Cheerios, but 10 wins? 11 wins? Who is the starting QB? Who is playing WR? How is this offense going to score points?

Ohio State may still put more highly regarded high school talent on the field than every single opponent they play in 2011, but without a competent trigger-man, I think anything north of 9 wins is gravy.
If 9 wins is the reasonable limit for this squad because of holes on offense, then what happens next year after graduating both tackles, the nation's best center, boom, Posey all graduate ?

Fickell wasn't dealt a fair hand but needs to show serious upside with it.
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jwinslow;1941585; said:
Someone has been swimming with the honu too long.

I have nothing against Fickell. I always agreed with the crowd who wanted to see him get some experience and succeed Tressel in 5-10 years (before the rumblings grew louder that he was closer to retirement). I just have witnessed that OSU has been as unsupportive as possible. Asking him to flounder for two weeks with no introduction was a slap in the face.

Two words: Gene Smith.

This ship is and has been rudderless, probably going back to before Pryor ever heard of Eddie Rife, so we shouldn't suddenly expect firm and decisive leadership from the AD now that it's taking on water and Tressel's been tossed overboard.
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jwinslow;1941586; said:
If 9 wins is the reasonable limit for this squad because of holes on offense, then what happens next year after graduating both tackles, the nation's best center, boom, Posey all graduate ?

Fickell wasn't dealt a fair hand but needs to show serious upside with it.

I haven't even thought about next year, which is why I was only commenting on what I think are some unreasonable expectations for this year.

A team breaking in a new starting QB and a new head coach just doesn't sound like a recipe for success to me.

I'm simply saying 9 wins would be a great success for Coach Fickell. The last time JT was dealt a hand this bad was 2004 and he went 8-4, against a schedule of cheese, and he was a proven, winning coach.
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Here's what will happen

Our AD will be gone before the penalties will be announced but not before August 12th. Depending on the penalties and the type of year we have we most likely will have a new staff unless we duplicate last year's effort. We have a 8-4 year or so, then we start fresh.
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we got to a BCS bowl with a freshman TP who struggled more as the year went in 08'... Now insert a just as dangerous runner, better thrower, and a player with a spring/fall camp under his belt in Braxton Miller and you have a very competent offense.

Combine that with two easier opponents right off the bat and I really think you are under selling this team's offensive ability. The offensive line will be fine through the beginning and you add that with some extremely explosive backs in Berry, Smith, as well as Hall and I think we shouldn't have much of a problem running for around 150-200 yards a game (not to mention if Braxton chipped in 20-40 yards a game).

The defensive unit will once again be extremely talented and explosive also with a strong emphisis on turnovers. Overall I don't think we will be as good on defense but I believe we will be more explosive upfront. I don't think the running game will suffer too much this year compared to last and once Boom gets back the running game will be BETTER than it was last year. You add Boom with a threat out wide like Posey and you have the potential for a very talented offense. Wr's are a question mark no doubt about it to start the year, but Corey Brown has the speed to get vertical and I believe we will be a more run oriented team anyways with all the good backs we have.
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SmoovP;1941490; said:
One of the things that we haven't discussed is that Tressel was a very, very powerful man at OSU. Arguably the most powerful man on campus.

His departure creates a power vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum.

There are a lot of people that will be jockeying for position to claim a share of that power.

By the Power of Greyskull!
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unionfutura;1941591; said:
Our AD will be gone before the penalties will be announced but not before August 12th. Depending on the penalties and the type of year we have we most likely will have a new staff unless we duplicate last year's effort. We have a 8-4 year or so, then we start fresh.

This is why I have felt Fickell got the interim tag above all else. If/When Smith is gone, I have always felt that the new AD will make the call. If the August 12th hearings go badly, the new AD will probably be more compelled to sweep the whole slate clean. (almost regardless of what Fickell does short of going undefeated)

Now if the August 12th hearing go cleanly the new AD will probably give Fickell a chance. But that goes with the double edge sword of not getting heavy enough sanctions to prevent a big name coach from being interested. That and the new AD maybe wanting to make a big splash would work against Fickell too (unless the new AD is someone with heavy OSU ties that may like Fickell)
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bassbuckeye07;1941651; said:
the BoT's unlike us could care less about recruits in 2012 I think they have a master plan already in place
As long as it takes place in time to partially recover I'm fine with that. Ignoring 2012 fallout, when those players will be drastically upgrading a broken Michigan program, is pretty short-sighted, as is gearing the decision around saving this class.

There's no need to be hasty, but that plan better start rolling after the dust settles in August (with a hire or renewal in December).
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