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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

Ah, ok. Then I accept your apology and send one to you as well. I take back my bitch, bedtime, and go away comments.

See? Aren't football Friday's a thing of beauty? All fired up and no one to take it out on. COME ON BUCKS! GIVE CRYAMI THE BEAT DOWN THEY DESERVE!
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Buckeyefrankmp;1991794; said:
I was replying to the posters comment that people on this board do not remember the 2001 season. My point was that I remember further than the 2002. I remember his first five years where he averaged about 4 losses and 0 bowl wins. I understand that this team might have a 3 loss season this year. If that does happen we should not be so quick to call for the firing of Fickell just because we think we can get someone better. We just might have someone better right now.

I send apologies as well. Sounds like we have been down the same paths and are on the same page...:biggrin:
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Bleed S & G;1991847; said:
I don't recall a 4 year stretch averaging 0 bowl wins and 4 losses..... and STFU was way over the top. I know you apologized... jus' sayin'

Actually, it would be 6 years if you go back to 1987 and Earle's last year.

1987 6-4 No Bowl Game
1988 5-6 No Bowl Game
1989 8-4 Bowl Loss
1990 7-4 Bowl Loss
1991 8-4 Bowl Loss
1992 8-3 Bowl Loss
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?It?s a way of life?: Football isn?t new for Amy Fickell
Saturday September 17, 2011
By Amy Saunders
The Columbus Dispatch


Eric Albrecht | Dispatch
Amy lending support during the Akron game

Luke and Amy Fickell and kids singing Carmen Ohio after the Akron game

Chris Russell | Dispatch
Amy and the kids ? from left: Landon, Aydon, Ashton and Luca ? at the Toledo game

Her life revolved around football long before Amy Fickell was known as a head coach?s wife.

She started dating Luke during her sophomore year at Ohio State University ? ?the weekend we played Notre Dame,? she recalled with a laugh.

Their 2000 wedding was scheduled for the last day in June, his slowest time of year as an assistant coach.

She correlates football seasons and pregnancies, her labor once induced 11 days early so Luke could meet his newborn daughter before leaving for the Alamo Bowl.

His ascension this year to Buckeye head coach has been monumental in the 38-year-old?s career.

But the new job doesn?t seem too drastic a change for Amy or their four young children, who attended games before they could walk and consider the football players their friends.

(The kids, all younger than 10, still pray for former defensive end Cameron Heyward, after seeing him suffer leg cramps on the field last season.)

?It?s not really that different,? said Amy, 35. ?People kind of laugh when I say that, but we go to the same places; we do the same things; we?re in sports with the same people; we?re at the same school.

?It?s just Daddy?s job. . . . It?s a way of life.?


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