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Do you have hidden talent(s)?

I still had an excellent curve ball and mid 70s fastball when I was 50
Having thrown probably 2 million pitches to my sons who never ever said "I'm done"
So we created a family rule for batting practice.. when Dad hits you for the 2nd time, his arm is done for the day
Or its over when the kid about kills you swinging the bat I recommended you buy.
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Or its over when the kid about kills you swinging the bat I recommended you buy.
You tried to kill me.. wonder how many brain cells I lost that day... I was in trouble.. luckily it was my singles/doubles kid and not HR kid

I remember going down literally yelling at myself 'don't black out, you'll freak him out' and 'thank GOD it wasn't Nick or I'd be brain damaged or dead" .. that brand new bat was obscene.. couldn't believe it was legal.
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