blissfully stupid
the house i grew up in is considered by most who have spent time in it to be very haunted. never really saw anything nor did i ever have what i would consider a bad experience. the house was built in the early 1800's and the story goes that a woman who was pregnant at the time was violently murdered by her lover there. every now and then there would be an extremely cold air that would move through the house. i would be more willing to entertain the typical 18th century house draft theory except that it was accompanied by what i can only describe as a static charge and an extremely strong perfume. burn your nose hairs strong. i could never come up with a good theory on the smell and the draft just didn't move right to be honest. other than that and occasionally hearing what sounded like children playing upstairs, i personally didn't experience much other than the sensation of not being alone from time to time.
however, my great grandmother had bad experiences and refused to actually enter the house. she spent 1 night there after she married my great grandfather and refused to go back inside. so much so that he had to buy them a new house. in the 16 yrs i lived there she actually came onto the property once, and refused to come within 15 feet of the house. had an aunt who claimed she was attacked by something while she was asleep. my great grandmother was a strong woman so i have to give their claims some merit. but i don't consider either to be "proof" on their own. dark old creaky house and we always had animals. could have been anything.
for example, we had floor vents. i once heard what i could only describe as a baby crying coming from the vent. i went into the basement to have a look around and found one of our cats had gotten locked down there and managed to find his way into the duct work. *shrug* i would imagine 90% of all haunting stories can be explained. the rest... well, they tend to be a little more intriguing.
as far as the question is concerned. until the things i have experienced can be explained to my satisfaction i believe there is more going on than what accepted science dictates. demon possession and the like however, i don't buy into that stuff. definitely need to see it before i believe it.
however, my great grandmother had bad experiences and refused to actually enter the house. she spent 1 night there after she married my great grandfather and refused to go back inside. so much so that he had to buy them a new house. in the 16 yrs i lived there she actually came onto the property once, and refused to come within 15 feet of the house. had an aunt who claimed she was attacked by something while she was asleep. my great grandmother was a strong woman so i have to give their claims some merit. but i don't consider either to be "proof" on their own. dark old creaky house and we always had animals. could have been anything.
for example, we had floor vents. i once heard what i could only describe as a baby crying coming from the vent. i went into the basement to have a look around and found one of our cats had gotten locked down there and managed to find his way into the duct work. *shrug* i would imagine 90% of all haunting stories can be explained. the rest... well, they tend to be a little more intriguing.
as far as the question is concerned. until the things i have experienced can be explained to my satisfaction i believe there is more going on than what accepted science dictates. demon possession and the like however, i don't buy into that stuff. definitely need to see it before i believe it.