according to the movie xerxes is the king of persia... probably.. thinks he is god and wants to control greece. can't tell from the movie why exactly, probably has something to do with the women often being topless and easily manipulated into sexual situations or acts. the spartans want to fight them because... well... they like to fight n stuff.. they don't retreat, though they could have just sat in sparta and not retreated from there... but then they have that whole death wish thing going on and its more fun dieing beside a mountain i guess. nice ocean view perhaps?
ScarletBlood31;785977; said:
As far as the creatures go, I was willing to allow myself the hunchback and possibly the giant, with exaggerations, but the guy with crab arms lost me.
i think that was just to show the cruelty of xerxes. im with you on the creatures though. not needed and more than anything took away from the story. if anything they served as blatant evidence that miller is a piss poor story teller. if someone has to be horribly disfigured for you to be able to adequately identify them as "a bad guy" you've probably already failed.
yeah it wasn't historically accurate, sure its all over done. i can accept those things to a large degree. but the thing that killed this movie for me is that the characters in your average 1st person shooter are more engaging than those in this movie. i cared more when people died in quake 4 than when they did in 300. and thats what absolutely ruins this movie. you feel no empathy what-so-ever for any of the characters, you don't really understand who they are or why they are that way, you don't understand their motivations, you don't identify with them, and ultimately you could give a shit less about what happens to them.
However, the background info with how they trained the boys to be soldiers was pretty cool. They kind of ruined the whole "bad ass" image of King Leonidas when he turned out to be a smartass with a sensitive side. I'm not saying that they weren't some BAMF's, but I don't see those Spartan soliders being that loose and joking around, when in reality they were probably twisted pychos deranged from years of abuse and violence.
not picking on you here, just making a point. but, are you really sure you understood what you saw as far as the "background info"? the boy he beat up. do you know who that was or why? are you certain it was another spartan? as far as him being whipped... do you know why that was occurring? there were many different reasons why a spartan boy might be whipped. some of which were situations that more closely resembled a high school sporting event then punishment.
spartan society was displayed in the light of being nothing more than that of a negligent alcoholic father who beats the dog piss out of his kid on a nightly basis. while im anything but a scholar on the matter. spartan society, and more specific the training of their soldiers, was far more involved and intelligent than random beatings and abandonment.
furthermore, the notion of "freedom" was downright vomit worthy. ask the heliots how that whole "freedom" thing worked. you might get some interesting answers...
a spartan woman allowing herself to be raped for a vote? sure did shoot down the whole notion that persians couldn't handle spartan women didn't it? shit, all they would have had to do was hold a flippin vote on more shoe sales at the mall and they'd all be spreadin their legs.
overall... 3 out of 10. not worth renting unless you have seen everything else. decent combat, but nothing spectacular. if your a 9 yr old who hasn't found dad's porn stash... this is right up your alley.