I sent the attached email to DirecTV via their subscriber site "customer feedback" page.
"I want to be able to watch college football games either Pay-Per-View or through a Game Plan package. The college season has already started, but DirecTV still hasn't announced Game Plan availability or pricing.
This issue is important enough to me that I will change providers if DirecTV doesn't resolve this soon.
Thank you for your attention."
Others might want to do the same. Just go to and have you account number handy. Then log-in and let them know you want resolution of their pissing match with ESPN asap.
"I want to be able to watch college football games either Pay-Per-View or through a Game Plan package. The college season has already started, but DirecTV still hasn't announced Game Plan availability or pricing.
This issue is important enough to me that I will change providers if DirecTV doesn't resolve this soon.
Thank you for your attention."
Others might want to do the same. Just go to and have you account number handy. Then log-in and let them know you want resolution of their pissing match with ESPN asap.