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DB Shaun Lane (official thread)

Sportsbuck28;1243435; said:
I was really hoping that he could've caught that INT... would've had 6, but he played great especially when he blew up that screen.

Could've?....You mean should've right? :) It would have been really nice to see him make a great play (not saying he didn't but should have had a better outcome). Overall this kid played great. Made some really nice tackles and I don't think he could have played any better. Kudos to him
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Mega props to Shaun Lane. Been here forever, doesn't get much playing time. But when he gets in he gives 100%, and always with a huge smile of his face. Now he's making big time plays, give the start opposite Jenkins.:) Donald might be rusty, and Chimidi is still young. Lane waited his turn and now seems ready for primetime.
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naptownbuck;1251270; said:
Mega props to Shaun Lane. Been here forever, doesn't get much playing time. But when he gets in he gives 100%, and always with a huge smile of his face. Now he's making big time plays, give the start opposite Jenkins.:)

Yeah, Lane just loves the game, he's never been one to complain about PT.

I remember in 2006 when OSU held their autograph session, every fan was clamoring over Ginn and the new freshman. I walked up to Shaun Lane to get his sig and I said, "Man, everyones clamoring over Ginn." He just smiling, chuckled, signed my ball and responded "well, he is a great player."

Never once has he spoken ill of being on the sidelines or not in the spotlight. I love his heart, he is a true Buckeye.
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SEREbuckeye;1251280; said:
Yeah, Lane just loves the game, he's never been one to complain about PT.

I remember in 2006 when OSU held their autograph session, every fan was clamoring over Ginn and the new freshman. I walked up to Shaun Lane to get his sig and I said, "Man, everyones clamoring over Ginn." He just smiling, chuckled, signed my ball and responded "well, he is a great player."

Never once has he spoken ill of being on the sidelines or not in the spotlight. I love his heart, he is a true Buckeye.

Love it when these guys appreciate what it means to have the opportunity to wear the OSU uniform.

:oh::io: Way to go Shaun!
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PLAY OF THE GAME: Ohio State was in trouble. With just under a minute left in the third quarter, they trailed 14-12 and had never gotten untracked on offense or defense.

Forced to punt from their own 35, the boot wafted in the air to Ohio returner Mark Parson near the Buckeyes sideline. As he caught it, he took a quick step and was hit by Ohio State's Shaun Lane. The ball popped loose, with Lane then diving over the prone Parson to fall on the ball an instant before it rolled out of bounds.

"I was pressing too hard to make a play," said Parson, also a starting cornerback. "I forgot about my technique and let the ball slip through."

Lane not only covered the punt return, he covered the loose ball. A video review confirmed he had control before rolling out of bounds.

"I'm telling you, Shaun is one of our most exciting players," fellow defensive back Kurt Coleman said. "He always makes big plays when we need them."

Six plays and 25 yards later, Ohio State had the lead on Brandon Saine's short run -- and never relinquished it.

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i dont agree with taos that he shoudl start.

that being said he busted his tail all the way down the field (like hes supposed to) and went 100% all the way to the whistle. its been a calling card of this kid on special teams. once again another reason why i love legacies/ohio kids. he was a cornerstone of the 04 class and worked hard to reel kids in. to some of you since he hasnt been all world he maybe a bust, to me he is the kind of kid that i love in the program. the kind of kid who runs through walls for his team/teammates and will slay giants.

and that being said what you did yesterday, means nothing today.
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I trust the coaches as to who should start. That said, it is great to see Lane have, so far, his best year, in this his last year, hopefully some of his more heralded teamates will follow his lead and treat the rest of this year as precious as it is (I think they will, starting this week, I expect silver bullets flying all over the field (and not just because of the crappy neighborhood surrounding the stadium) and the O-line getting physical and putting out the best effort of their careers)
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