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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

That was one of the more impressive plays I've seen from a DB in the NFL for a while. He closed on Williams incredibly fast, and then had the presence of mind to not only strip the ball, but also come up with it. Great stuff.
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Saints' Malcolm Jenkins credits Gregg Williams for game-changing play

By Glenn Guilbeau ? [email protected] ? November 26, 2010

ARLINGTON, Texas ? New Orleans Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins made a tremendous, individual athletic play to literally turn around the game Thursday against Dallas, but he still credited defensive coordinator Gregg Williams.

Jenkins stripped and stole the ball from Dallas wide receiver Roy Williams as Williams was in full sprint 11 yards away from a touchdown that would have put the game out of reach with three minutes to play.

Instead, the Saints got the ball at the 11 and drove 89 yards for a touchdown with 1:55 to play for a 30-27 victory over Dallas on Thanksgiving Day in Cowboys Stadium.

"You can attribute Gregg Williams ? how he preaches effort," Jenkins said. "When our guys hustle to the ball, good things happen."

Williams looked like he had a sure touchdown, but Jenkins and cornerback Tracy Porter remained in hot pursuit.

"You can't stop effort," Jenkins said. "We're going to play to the end. We're going to fight you to the last play. You can coach up schemes, you can coach up routes or whatever, you can coach plays, but at the end of the day what wins football is effort and heart."


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIld0y4HJMg"]YouTube - Malcolm Jenkins strips Roy Williams late 4th quarter - Thanksgiving HD[/ame]
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Malcolm Jenkins makes play for the ages for New Orleans Saints
Published: Saturday, November 27, 2010
James Varney, The Times-Picayune

When safety Malcolm Jenkins entered New Orleans Saints lore by ripping a ball free in the closing minutes and giving his team a chance to win on Thanksgiving Day, New Orleanians rejoiced at a rare and improbable holiday gift.

For them, it was something new.

For those who have watched Jenkins over the years, however, the forced fumble and recovery against the Dallas Cowboys produced yet another amazed shake of the head. The play seemed familiar to those who watched Jenkins lead Piscataway Township High School to three consecutive New Jersey prep championships, or those who saw him chase a Texas receiver down from behind at Ohio State.

"I was just in awe, floored, but not destroyed, because I've seen him do it before," Piscataway Township Coach Daniel Higgins said. "It looked like it was over, and then there he goes, making another play."

Meanwhile, in Columbus, Ohio State Coach Jim Tressel was enjoying Thanksgiving when Jenkins turned the head of the nation's football-watchers.

"From a selfish standpoint, I get to watch so few pro games because of our work schedule, so seeing it happen during the game and not just catching it later on highlights was really exciting for me," Tressel said in an e-mail. "There was a lot of shouting at our house!"


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New Orleans Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins has been named NFC Defensive Player of the Week
Published: Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Mike Triplett, The Times-Picayune

New Orleans Saints defensive back Malcolm Jenkins, who stripped the ball away from Dallas Cowboys receiver Roy Williams, giving the Saints an opportunity to come back and win the Thanksgiving Day game in Dallas, has been named the NFC defensive player of the week.


Scott Threlkeld/The Times-Picayune
Malcolm Jenkins' big play against Dallas was the game-saver for the New Orleans Saints.

Jenkins made the biggest defensive play of the season when he tracked down Williams at the Saints' 11-yard line at the end of a 47-yard catch, with just more than three minutes remaining. Jenkins forced and recovered the fumble, which allowed the Saints to drive 89 yards for the go-ahead touchdown.

Jenkins made four tackles in the game.

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Coming from a Cowboys fan, I was pumped to see Malcolm strip that ball. Loss stings, but I couldn't help but feel happy for our guy hanging with the big boys now. It isn't as if we have much on the line this year, anyway.
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