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DB/LB Chad Hagan (official thread)

Congrats to Chad. I look forward to seeing him play this year knowing that it will be his last in those ugly helmets. If anyone is interested in coming over to see Chad play this year shoot me a private message and I'll treat you to a Yuengling or two after the game.
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I have never understood why Yuengling beer is available from N.Y. to Florida( and even in Tennessee) but not next door in Ohio. If Gordon Biersch can get shelf space in Columbus, OH. Kroger's, why can't Yuengling.

Now, back to the Chad Hagan thread........
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To those thinking he'll "outgrow" safety, even if he gets up to 6'3" or 6'4" and 240/250, as long as he maintains the speed keep him at safety...think of a Sean Taylor or Taylor Mays on steroids ("on steroids" being a term only).
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MililaniBuckeye;1512334; said:
To those thinking he'll "outgrow" safety, even if he gets up to 6'3" or 6'4" and 240/250, as long as he maintains the speed keep him at safety...think of a Sean Taylor or Taylor Mays on steroids ("on steroids" being a term only).

How tall's his father? Is that even realistic?
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It comes down to where he has the most value to the team. JT loves having big backs who he can pound at people. A 230 pound back with game breaking speed( a rarity) would be a very exciting prospect to JT.
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Taosman;1512342; said:
It comes down to where he has the most value to the team. JT loves having big backs who he can pound at people. A 230 pound back with game breaking speed( a rarity) would be a very exciting prospect to JT.

And a much bigger, faster, Mike Doss would be just as valuable. Not saying he'd be another Mike Doss, but he may not be another Beanie Wells either.
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Measurables like this for a safety... sounds like Taylor Mays. And this is certainly an area of need. But that might make the transition difficult for him.

Unfortunately, if he doesn't have great natural instincts, he won't have any veterans to learn from. I'd be hard pressed to even guess who the starters will be at safety next year (Jermale Hines and Fill-In-The-Blank?). Hines won't exactly be a pup next year; but the point is we have a pair of 3 year starters heading out the door just as this guy walks in. It's not a passing of the torch like from Wilhelm and Grant to Hawk and Carpenter, or from Hawk and Carpenter to Animal and Freeman, or from JL and Freeman to the cornucopia of LB talent behind them.

This is certainly still dbU, and Hagan has a chance to keep it that way. I guess we'll just have to trust the coaches to fill in whatever gaps the dearth of mentorship might leave.
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Taosman;1512342; said:
It comes down to where he has the most value to the team. JT loves having big backs who he can pound at people. A 230 pound back with game breaking speed( a rarity) would be a very exciting prospect to JT.

Have you seen his film though? The measurables are one thing but he isn't a RB...his future is on defense.
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College Football Recruiting On the Trail 2010 - ESPN

Buckeyes pick up pledge from Keystone State defender Chad Hagan
Recruited as a safety, Chad Hagan (Canonsburg, Pa./Canon McMillan) visited Ohio State Thursday and committed to sign with the Buckeyes Class of 2010, Bucknuts.com reports.

He selected the Bucks over scholarship offers from programs such as Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, N.C. State and Buffalo.

"I've been to Ohio State a few times," Hagan said. "I love the school. It's just awesome. I like their tradition, and I like how the coaches react with the players."

As a junior he rushed for 750 yards and 12 touchdowns and recorded 63 tackles despite playing much of the season with a left shin stress fracture. Hagan has since had surgery and is expected to be 100-percent for his senior campaign.

Midwest recruiting Blog - ESPN

Tressel at it again in Pennsylvania

Friday, August 7, 2009

Posted by Bill Kurelic

The past two years Ohio State coach Jim Tressel has had great success recruiting the state of Pennsylvania.

Two years ago, Tressel landed the No. 1 prospect in the Keystone State, quarterback Terrelle Pryor. He also signed linebacker Andrew Sweat, another prospect ranked among the top 10 in the state of Pennsylvania.

Last year, Tressel landed the No. 1 prospect in the state of Pennsylvania again -- linebacker Dorian Bell. Tressel also signed Bell's teammate, defensive back Corey Brown, as well Pryor's former high school teammate, running back Jordan Hall. Both Brown and Hall were among the top 10 prospects in the state of Pennsylvania.

On Thursday afternoon, Tressel landed a commitment from defensive back Chad Hagan (Canonsburg, Pa./Canon-McMillan). While Hagan is not considered one of the top 10 prospects in the state of Pennsylvania, he did have some good options. He selected Ohio State over scholarship offers from Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois, among others.

Tressel also has a very legitimate shot at landing ESPNU 150 running back Corey Brown (Springfield, Pa./Cardinal O'Hara). Brown has dozens of scholarship offers including one from Ohio State.

Brown has a strong interest in the Buckeyes, indicating Ohio State is one of his top choices. While Tressel will not have as much success in Pennsylvania this year as he has had the past two seasons, if he lands Brown to go along with Hagan, he will have done very well again in the Keystone State.
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Ohio State recruit deals with heart condition - Varsity Blog - post-gazette.com

Canon-McMillan?s Chad Hagan participated in the first week of preseason practice, minus any contact. He is waiting to be totally cleared by a cardiologist.
"I?m supposed to be cleared Thursday," Hagan said.
Hagan, a running back-defensive back who has committed to Ohio State, has Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a heart disorder in which there is an extra electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles. People with the syndrome may have episodes of rapid heartbeat, which is what Hagan had.
But Wolff-Parkinson-White can be treated with medicine or a procedure. Hagan had a catheter ablation procedure done a few weeks ago and says he now feels fine.

"I?ve had it my whole life," Hagan said.
Hagan said he hasn?t told Ohio State about the problem because he didn?t think it was any different than an injury.
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