what a waste...
FL | Police and courts: D. Ross
Tue, 16 May 2006 22:29:41 -0700
Andrew Dys, of the Rock Hill Herald, reports former NFL CB Derek Ross was sentenced to four years in prison in Texas Tuesday, May 16, according to prosecutors and court records. Ross pleaded guilty to jumping bail after a drug arrest last year, prosecutors said. Ross still faces drug trafficking charges in South Carolina that could get him as much as 30 years in prison if he's convicted. Ross will serve his sentence in the Texas Department of Corrections, said Jennifer Green of the Harris County District Clerk Office.
FL | Police and courts: D. Ross
Tue, 16 May 2006 22:29:41 -0700
Andrew Dys, of the Rock Hill Herald, reports former NFL CB Derek Ross was sentenced to four years in prison in Texas Tuesday, May 16, according to prosecutors and court records. Ross pleaded guilty to jumping bail after a drug arrest last year, prosecutors said. Ross still faces drug trafficking charges in South Carolina that could get him as much as 30 years in prison if he's convicted. Ross will serve his sentence in the Texas Department of Corrections, said Jennifer Green of the Harris County District Clerk Office.