One of our co-workers brought back a bottle of this stuff to our section lieutenant. The LT knew several of us liked spicy stuff, so he let us all sample some in our conference room about a half hour ago. Now, I'm pretty damn tolerant of spicy stuff (I can eat habanero peppers straight), but this shit is by far the hottest stuff I've ever eaten. It comes in a 2 oz. bottle, and we each put a drop on a Doritos Dip Chip to sample it. Despite the fact I could tell just how hot it was with just a drop, I ended up trying mix about 4 drops of the stuff inside a Taco Bell Fire Sauce packet with the Fire Sauce. Problem was, I didn't mix well at all, and when I put the sauce on the bean burrito I bought just for this occasion (the LT "briefed" ahead of time that we'd all meet at 2:00 p.m. just for this taste test), all the Da' Bomb was in one spot, and I ate it all on my first bite. My mouth felt like it was going to blister, and this is the only food to ever to make my eyes water and turn red, and literally make me sweat. This is the first time I've ever had to throw food away because it was too spicy. It's 45 minutes later and I'm still hurting.
Da' Bomb The Final Answer
Da' Bomb The Final Answer