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Troy Has Legs
Ok, Im re-designing a website, using CSS to build it which I've down before but never ground up. I used fireworks for all images and have been coding mostly hard but some visually via dreamweaver. Images that have transparent backgrounds are showing up on some computers with bluish-gray backgrounds instead of transparent. Any idea why and how to fix and avoid this problem? The next problem Im running into is on some computers the home search/image is showing up about 10-15 line breaks down instead of only one. Here's how it looks on the some computers (both of mine and half of our office).


Im noticing the older computers are the ones with trouble, however this page needs to work for all viewers.. any ideas would be apperciated.
I use Netscape and it loaded just as in your picture. Also it worked fine for me on Mozilla Firefox. Can't really help you any with the coding and problems with older machines. My computer is like 4 to 5 years old but I have done some upgrades over that time span though.
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Alright, heres the update..

I fixed the transparent images by making them not transparent, i made the header apart of the background and the buttons all white backgrounds.. i didnt do this orginally because the left panel wasn't orginally white, it was a gray to white gradient. However the CSS or HTML is still bumping the search down half way.. this is the only thing stumping me, i tweak one thing and have to re upload it and go check it on another computer to see if it worked then back to undo and then retweak something else.. then test etc.
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figured it out, the border on the image was screwing things up. I tried reducing the image and the orginal was about 10 pixles longer, i just erased the border from the html and then drew it on in fireworks.. looks good on all my machines, if anyone viewing it has any problems and would tell me via PM or this forum that would be cool.. thanks
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Deleted Mili's posts due to a break in the thread. Maybe someone can sort it out and bring back the text sans code, but in the meantime, we're open for business again.

Deety, thanks. I had pasted the CSS code to show what was on his page, but evidently stray CSS markups on a page screw everything up...
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