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NFBuck;858370; said:
I don't speak spanish.:mad1:

My dog Baxter does.

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Zurp;858401; said:
Are we down to 0 days yet? This waiting is too hard for me.
If we have the first meltdown this early we are gonna be in serious trouble. :biggrin:

Oh great! I have forgotten how many days to go. OK who stopped the countdown?
Where is a procrastinator thread when you need one?
Is Nuge counting down?
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;859183; said:
His jersey is, although Nuge looks like he's getting ready to kick.

I don't understand. Does that mean we've missed the kickoff? I don't think Nuge is allowed to kick for Ohio State, anymore, since he's accepted money for playing football. Stupid rules always piss me off.
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Zurp;859191; said:
I don't understand. Does that mean we've missed the kickoff? I don't think Nuge is allowed to kick for Ohio State, anymore, since he's accepted money for playing football. Stupid rules always piss me off.
You're a hoot Zurp. You made me laugh.
Here have a cookie

And yes there are 85 chips in the cookie.
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