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74 Days!
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;856385; said:
Less than 3 months now.


Tailgater - I could make you happier. I know voodoo.

Page 7, post #98 (6-3-07)

BKB caught 'shaving' days off his own kickoff countdown. Shameful.

And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that meddlin BN27 and his dog!



Not that I intended to imply that I'm BN27's dog...but I think I just did, Damnit! Oh well, "Rooby Roo!!!" :biggrin:
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Padraig;868646; said:
Page 7, post #98 (6-3-07)

BKB caught 'shaving' days off his own kickoff countdown. Shameful.

And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that meddlin BN27 and his dog!



Not that I intended to imply that I'm BN27's dog...but I think I just did, Damnit! Oh well, "Rooby Roo!!!" :biggrin:
Damn... correct you are... I was shaving days.

Sorry everyone.


72 days.
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