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Cookout at the Buttocks' After the Spring Game

buckeyefool;1142976; said:
If Bucky is coming your main concern should be for the safety of your lawn furniture

Just because I enjoy the pleasurable company of patio furniture doesn't mean I don't have discriminating taste in it. I wouldn't hit their furniture with dynasty's junk.

Buckeyedynasty;1142979; said:
Is that elitist bucky coming? I think he set me up on the BP mock draft. The guy PM'd me his picks probably knowing I would jump the gun and skip the draft order. :smash: He is a sneaky rabbit he is. :sneaky:

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buckeyefool;1142976; said:
If Bucky is coming your main concern should be for the safety of your lawn furniture
Excellent point,which is why I've had a long talk with my furniture about the dangers of cavalier coitus. Plus, I was able to acquire a chastity belt for each piece, and most importantly our table.

Bucky Katt;1143015; said:
Just because I enjoy the pleasurable company of patio furniture doesn't mean I don't have discriminating taste in it. I wouldn't hit their furniture with dynasty's junk.

Ah... I see.. make it look like you're not interested.. I'm not falling for it, Casanova. You will not be permitted to be left alone with my furniture.
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scooter1369;1143019; said:
The good news is that with Bucky Katt at Bkb's, I get to enjoy the view of the moon from his window again.

The esteemed Mrs. Katt will be in attendance as well, so anything you do looking out our window will be a solo act, unless you take along a friend.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1143021; said:
Excellent point,which is why I've had a long talk with my furniture about the dangers of cavalier coitus. Plus, I was able to acquire a chastity belt for each piece, and most importantly our table.

Very dangerous, indeed. That Virginia Wahoo HTM is really a TSUN guy.
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Bucky Katt;1143022; said:
The esteemed Mrs. Katt will be in attendance as well, so anything you do looking out our window will be a solo act, unless you take along a friend.

Scooter, that message I sent about me watching from the closet this time - forget that.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1143021; said:
Excellent point,which is why I've had a long talk with my furniture about the dangers of cavalier coitus.

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