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College Baseball/Softball News, Notes, Awards (Official Thread)

“I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again.”

Jim Schlossnagle set to leave Texas A&M for Texas head coaching job​

Jim Schlossnagle is set to be named the next head baseball coach at the University of Texas after three incredibly successful seasons at Texas A&M.

Just sayin': What a freakin' lying piece of shit.
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Jim Schlossnagle set to leave Texas A&M for Texas head coaching job​

Jim Schlossnagle is set to be named the next head baseball coach at the University of Texas after three incredibly successful seasons at Texas A&M.

Just sayin': What a freakin' lying piece of shit.

Didn’t our former coach leave his family behind?

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This sure SUCKS!!!

only about 80% of it sucks.
the rest was freaking awesome

Jim Schlossnagle set to leave Texas A&M for Texas head coaching job​

Jim Schlossnagle is set to be named the next head baseball coach at the University of Texas after three incredibly successful seasons at Texas A&M.

Just sayin': What a freakin' lying piece of shit.

you would think Aggy would be used to get anally plunged by now.
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