Jump on me all you want, the problem is conference pride. We, as fans, give 2 [Mark May]s less what the rest of the conference does. We root for Ohio State and that's it. I get the whole Michigan thing, but down here in the South, they hate the Big ten. Clemson just didn't want to beat Ohio State last year in football, they refused to lose to a big ten school. Plain and simple. Some of our asshat fans and ESPN tough guys have really given our University a bad reputation. Why do you think it's hard for us to beat the SEC? Same exact reason. They refuse to lose to a big ten school. I know we beat Alabama, but throughout the years, we have struggled. Believe it or not, all the jokes about hillbillies, toothless rednecks who live in trailers really gets old to the South. That makes them wanna kick our ass even more. Trust me. Our fanbase makes us look bad at times. We laugh at the whole SEC, SEC, SEC chant, but what our conference lacks is pride, and I don't get it. If Wisconsin beats us Saturday night, you can bet your sweet ass I'm rooting for them to win it all. Here in the South, they can't let go of the Civil War. They absolutely hate the North!