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Clemson Tigers (official thread)

I am technically a Gen Xer, but in those weird years of 75-85 where we are different from old Gen X and young Millenial.
I don't know how we started talking about this, but I'm in the same boat. 1976, here. Young Gen Xer, but I definitely feel like I have more in common with other Gen Xers. I remember cooking my own breakfast at 9 or 10, my own dinner sometimes that early. We used to go out and be outside most of the day and we'd drink from the hose. Hell, I was 5 years old and I'd ride my bike blocks away from my house. I knew kids who lived closer to the school (but still blocks away from it) who'd walk to school without their parents. Now, kids don't leave their parents' sight. And I'm included in that - my kids would never walk to school alone. Sheesh - we wanted a pack of baseball cards? Get your ass out there and cut the neighbor's grass and earn a couple bucks, then walk to the convenient store to buy some baseball cards.
Also, I look at BP on my phone sometimes, but I prefer to be on a real computer.
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