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Central Michigan 17, MICHIGAN 41 (final)

Its been a while but I think CMU is going to have a huge let down after last week. They know they blew the chance to win against a BCS team and Michigan will be able to run it down thier throats and stop them.

thats possible...CMU was victim to what I will call the worst coaching I have ever seen. period. They should have won that game(disclaimer: the last 6 words i typed are my biggest pet peeve in sports but for once i think they are warrented) I think they keep it close enough to stay in this number
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Its been a while but I think CMU is going to have a huge let down after last week. They know they blew the chance to win against a BCS team and Michigan will be able to run it down thier throats and stop them.

thats possible...CMU was victim to what I will call the worst coaching I have ever seen. period. They should have won that game(disclaimer: the last 6 words i typed are my biggest pet peeve in sports but for once i think they are warrented) I think they keep it close enough to stay in this number
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thats possible...CMU was victim to what I will call the worst coaching I have ever seen. period. They should have won that game(disclaimer: the last 6 words i typed are my biggest pet peeve in sports but for once i think they are warrented) I think they keep it close enough to stay in this number

I agree that they should of won or at least made it go to ot. I don't think you can have the game layed out better and not take the oppurtunity.

I think there is a chance that they might stay in the number, but scUM just has something to prove this year.
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a) Game is suspended in the 1st qtr due to lightning... pansies :lol:

b) Apparently they are struggling against CMU, up 7-0... but:
GBW Tidbits said:
Hart fumbled, recovered by manningham

I'm not happy.. we need better blocking, Hart has been getting pounded. They forced a 4th and 7, and they stalled our drive after the fumble recovery!? I'm starting to worry whether or not we'll be ready for Notre Dame. They will have played two very very good defensive football teams, while we are playing average offense vs CMU and Vandy. The turnovers are deceiving. We need to play better.
that would be a long wait to try and exit the stadium to get cover from the storm! but where is the cover?
2 times this year, our 'd' was expossed on big plays for being over-agressive. i'm actually glad to find out vs cmu & vandy before we play nd.
I just think our defense is gonna get torched agaisnt ND.
I think RE has the right mentality about a pressure defense, but i dont think his schemes are that great.
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It's too dangerous for the players, but they send the band out to perform for the fans (who have to stay seated, since it takes years to empty that stadium).

The kinesiology dept must make the gameday decisions up in AA :lol:
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jwinslow said:
a) Game is suspended in the 1st qtr due to lightning... pansies :lol:
I think that was the refs' call, not our administration. Stupid delay either way.

jwinslow said:
b) Apparently they are struggling against CMU, up 7-0... but:
That's just some moron chicken little fan - God I'm sick of them. One poor season and they just whine and whine.

We were playing well up to the delay and continued that after the delay. Whether or not we cover looks like it'll be up to the backups in the 4th quarter.
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crazybuckfan40;598581; said:
Its been a while but I think CMU is going to have a huge let down after last week. They know they blew the chance to win against a BCS team and Michigan will be able to run it down thier throats and stop them.
it's still been a while :biggrin: (that was an easy 40k)
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jwinslow;600901; said:
apparently (PLAYBOY) "all-american" Leon Hall got burnt by a central michigan WR...

I'll give him credit, he got burned but he caught up and got a piece of the ball with his hand to save what would've been a touchdown reception.

Hall is a really good corner. Unfortunately for Michigan, they don't have anybody else at corner with any real game experience and both of there free safeties (Ryan Mundy and Brandent Engelmon) did not look good in pass coverage the last two games. They need Barringer back, he's probably their best safety against the pass.
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NFBuck;601771; said:
Hate to say it, well maybe not, but Notre Dame is going to throttle these guys next week.

Disagree. I think ND has a letdown after all the media praise they keep hearing all week. Michigan might lose, but they will not get throttled. These ND-Michigan games are always extremely close with the exception of that 2003 game.

Michigan is a more talented team than Penn State. Anthony Morelli is a junior but this was only his 2nd start and he looked like a freshman, not a junior. Biggest thing is this, Michigan's OL and DL. The games all start up-front in the trenches. Michigan has a pretty nasty defensive line and this new zone blocking scheme they've implemented on offense has allowed them to put up 250 yards rushing two games straight and give Mike Hart huge holes to run through. Penn State's OL on the other hand couldn't give Tony Hunt any room to run against Akron. They've had some pass protection issues on the right side, they need to get those corrected.

Their passing game has looked anemic, but there were alot of drops in week 1 and 2. Henne had 6 passes dropped on him week 1 and 4 dropped on him in week 2. I just don't think that number of drops will continue for much longer. The biggest match-up in this game could be LaMarr Woodley against true freshman RT Sam Young. In that match-up, I'll take Woodley every time. If they leave that young'n on Woodley with no help, Quinn will be getting happy feet. Easiest way to disrupt ND's offense is get to Quinn. If he feels any pressure he starts getting happy feet and his accuracy suffers.
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