Hey gbear, I never did thank you for turning me on to Buckeye Planet ... Thanks! I know you didn't seek me out specifically, but finding the site by following the url from your smilie was just TOO cool.
I saw your smilie and thought "that's sweet" I wonder where gbear got that. When I saw the main site name (Buckeye Planet) my pulse rate shot up a bit. Now I'm thinking "another site devoted to the Buckeyes ... this I've got to check out". I was expecting to find some type of Buckeye Tribute site. Imagine my surprise when I got here. A cool new site dedicated to the Bucks, fantastic new features on the forums, a web side that will incorporate lots of statistical data, feedback from Buckeye players, and a core group of members who's posts I've already come to know and respect.
To say I was stunned (and thrilled) would be a big understatement. Although in the past few months BN has become my "home" and the people there my "family", I could see this site becoming that as well. What's really wierd is I sometimes get this nagging sensation that I'm "cheating" on BN. How odd is that? Allegiance is a funny thing ... I am first and foremost a Buckeye at heart. I've just decided to split my time between the sites and have twice the fun! Now I've just got to find more time :tongue2:
I can't speak about Clarity's issues with the o-zone ... I don't have any knowledge on the subject. I rarely stop by there (or any other sites) except to browse the threads. I will agree with you that BN is a top notch organization and the admins and mods have always been quick to respond, honest, and helpful in the extreme. I think that if BN is the target that Coach/Clarity would like this site to surpass, we'll all get to enjoy two of the best boards/sites on the net.