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Buckeyes face more competition as Carman lands another big offer - 247Sports
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Buckeyes face more competition as Carman lands another big offer
One of the country's premier class of 2018 offensive linemen, Fairfield (Ohio) tackle Jackson Carman, has told Bucknuts.com Ohio State is No. 1 on his list. But this morning a new competitor has entered the race according to Fairfield coach Jason Krause.
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via Google News using key phrase "Buckeyes".
Buckeyes face more competition as Carman lands another big offer
One of the country's premier class of 2018 offensive linemen, Fairfield (Ohio) tackle Jackson Carman, has told Bucknuts.com Ohio State is No. 1 on his list. But this morning a new competitor has entered the race according to Fairfield coach Jason Krause.
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