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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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Pryor_4_Heisman;1413441; said:
Hey Guys,
I'm a new member to the site, but I've been reading this thread for a couple of days. I've got an obsession with collecting OSU football autographs, even though I'm not on the level of most of the people on here. I've got a couple of questions if anyone might know the answer I would appreciate it.

Does Coach Tressel ever do any autograph signings? What ones would be the best to attend for him? (I would be coming from 5 hours away so I want to make sure it's worth my trip)

And does Eddie George ever do any signings or does he have any coming up?

tressell is going to be at the columbus auto show march 19 from 6-8pm.id get there pretty early though.all it costs is admission to get in.as for george im not sure of.i got him a few years ago but havent heard anything recent.id actually like to know the answer to that one myself
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bcarpenterfan42;1413620; said:
yeah, eddie normally does one in the summer but didn't do it this past summer. A real good buddy of mine still needs him too.

If anybody hears of Eddie or any of the other older Buckeyes doing any signings this summer, please post them on this site. Or does anybody know of a site that is good to keep an eye on that lists some signings besides the the recent graduates?
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Coldwater Stag

I just got back from the Coldwater Stag with Hayn and the rest of the posse. We had a great time hanging out with Ross Homan, Aj Trappasso, Austin Spitler & Jake Ballard. Got a ton of stuff signed by the guys and the atmosphere was rockin'. The MC was absolutely hilarious and so was AJ... That guy has a back up carreer in standup comedy if football doesn't pan out!! Hey Hayn? Want me to book us a table for next year again?
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A stag night is where a bunch of guys get together and eat to much, drink uncontrolably, socialize like guys do.... without offending any women when they may pass gas or say something with vulgarity!! And talk sports, Stock market... Its a fundraising event for the Coldwater Athletics Boosters, They have an auction with some great memorabilia (Bring your brinks truck) WOW!! Also, You might even get lucky and win the 50/50 drawing!!
Get some autographs from players and eat and drink some more and feel crappy the next day... And in your mind it was worth it because you got some graphs. Sounds like a great time ehhh?
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Buckydanut;1414698; said:
A stag night is where a bunch of guys get together and eat to much, drink uncontrolably, socialize like guys do.... without offending any women when they may pass gas or say something with vulgarity!! And talk sports, Stock market... Its a fundraising event for the Coldwater Athletics Boosters, They have an auction with some great memorabilia (Bring your brinks truck) WOW!! Also, You might even get lucky and win the 50/50 drawing!!
Get some autographs from players and eat and drink some more and feel crappy the next day... And in your mind it was worth it because you got some graphs. Sounds like a great time ehhh?

You mean this one?:biggrin:

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