I'm glad to report there were no heart attacks tonight. Well FKA might of had one, but luckily Ryn was there to inject him with cider so he should be Okay.
Seriously though it was a good turn out. Tillidie brought 4 ringers with him. I don't think they ever came off the court. The before metioned female LeBron and some 5 foot 4 guy with a 54 inch vertical. To go along with a couple Billy Hoyles. Crazybuckfan40, JWinslow, fanaticbuckeye and his friend were all pretty decent. Then there was me, FKA, Mr. I, RCollett, Bucky Katt, and BKB. Faces turning purple, expecting to see the Grim Reaper float down from the rafters at any second. We all had a good time though I think. I had two sweet assist to Bucky. One off of a steal for a fast break and one from a perfectly placed airball. I was hoping I would make 2 or 3 shots in row so I could do the Happy Gilmore "Ridin' the Bull Felling the Flow" dance, but unfortunatly that wasn't in the cards tonight. I think I ended up about 2 for 12 and they were nowhere near consecutive.
And now for the news everyone is waiting for........ The BP Beer fund is at drrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm rrrrrrrrrooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll $9.35. We talked about it tonight and all agreed that we need to get a BP bar night up and going. I was thinking about mabye setting up a Bar Olympics. Events being: Pool, Darts, Air Hockey, Golden Tee, etc. Or we could just go out and get completely obliterated without extra curriculars. whatevers cool with me, but BP Bar night is way over due.
As for basketball is everyone in for next week? Hopefully at Berliner. Let me know and to everyone that was up there tonight, it was good meeting you. By the way, did I mention BP Bar night?