I'm thinking that what I'll do, depending on which map I decided to use...is create a story that is modern day...
Something like...
Jim Tressel, Lane Kiffin, Bob Stoops, Urban Meyer and some other major program's coaches around the country (depending on how many players/teams we start with) are all contacted by a local random tycoon who is a diehard fan of each coach's team respectively...
...they tell them that they are willing to fund their recruiting under the table to any extent that they can imagine...
That'd mean that each team starts in the state where that school's program is...and would start with a certain amount of recruits (troops) that would go out and "persuade" recruits from other states to join their ranks. (Just like real Risk, I'd have a setup where every school has a couple of states already occupied by recruits (troops) that would be their "pipeline")
I'll probably have some "non-occupied" states in between each teams' starting areas that become occupied by moving troops (recruits) into those areas during a turn...
There would be an order of play for each team...and each team would have 1 move per day (this may change depending on the circumstances) that each teams' Athletic Director (general/commander) posts in the Official Risk Thread.
Each team will have 24 hours from the time of the last posted move by the previous team in the play order to get their move officially posted...
...ideally I will be on enough to update moves as they go (or close to it)...with a limit of 5 teams it shouldn't be too overwhelming.
I'll lay out an entire rules page at some point as well to make sure that everyone knows what's going on...but for the sake of this brainstorming session I'll say that recruiting (wars) will be run just like risk...with a dice system based upon how many recruits (troops) are in each area attacking the next area...
I'll use:
RANDOM.ORG - Die Roller
...to determine the dice rolls for each battle, and will update the board and give a brief overview of the "war" for each move...
In addition to taking over states and adding them to your ever growing pipeline...certain states will have certain attributes that will help your team...
I'll create a list of bonuses based upon states...some states will have "surprise recruits" that give you recruit bonuses or something of the likes...some states will have "tough sells" that cause your dice rolls to be 1 less than your opponents...stuff like that...
I'll have to take some time to get creative with it...
I'm going to go ahead and open up the forming of teams...
...so the first 5 people that post in this thread AFTER 2:00PM CST tomorrow afternoon saying they want to be captains get to be the 5 team captains.
This won't have anything to do with which programs/coaches you get to be come gametime. I'll figure that one out later...probably a number picking thing to pick the order in which each team picks a program/coach...
If any moderator...or someone who has the authority to edit threads and such would like to collaborate with me here in order to get this going please feel free to let me know. It would be greatly appreciated...
Any and other suggestions are definitely welcome...this is still in the pre-stages!