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The NASCAR thing was fun... I'd suggest staying away from the football boards.

I for one enjoy it when other fans come to our community and talk shop... I could careless if the basketball schools don't like us... let's please keep these raids away from other football schools...

What other schools do raids? I know there are a couple that do it, that might be a place to go have some fun.

Def. stay away from teams we are playing next year. I hope to get more Texas fans on this site before our game... heck some great posters are actually TT, WSU, NCSU, and USC fans... lets try to increase that, not decrease it...

I'll get off my soapbox now :wink2: ... just a friendly reminder...
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Posts: 21
Posted: 3/16/05 4:11:41 pm
Re: I'm sorry <hr size="1"> come on mann.. post a pic!


Sorry, no can do anymore. I got banned, but it appears that you're still doing well.

Nascar finally cleaned up most of our threads (all of the locked ones).
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crazybuckfan40 said:
I say we hit up wake and Panthernation.com (fansite of Northern Iowa) both have to register so if we are going to do it we have to register tonite.
We are still hitting NASCAR again on sunday, (at 2pm est??). I say we find a board that doesn't require approval of registration, and we hit them tonight at like 6 est.

gbearbuck said:
The NASCAR thing was fun... I'd suggest staying away from the football boards.

I for one enjoy it when other fans come to our community and talk shop... I could careless if the basketball schools don't like us... let's please keep these raids away from other football schools...

What other schools do raids? I know there are a couple that do it, that might be a place to go have some fun.

Def. stay away from teams we are playing next year. I hope to get more Texas fans on this site before our game... heck some great posters are actually TT, WSU, NCSU, and USC fans... lets try to increase that, not decrease it...

I'll get off my soapbox now :wink2: ... just a friendly reminder...
I was a little worried about this as well, but since we have done a good job of blaming bucknuts, and some of the posters have posted on bucknuts, I would think it is safe to say that they will think we are from bucknuts.
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I was a little worried about this as well, but since we have done a good job of blaming bucknuts, and some of the posters have posted on bucknuts, I would think it is safe to say that they will think we are from bucknuts.
It's quite possible that someone will get smart (i.e. not the NASCAR board) and search for the usernames that we use. Since some of them are repeated from this site, this site would probably be higher up on a Google search than bucknuts would. For example, on a quick search for osugrad21 BP is 2nd on the list, on a quick search for cornerback6 BP is first. Just something to think about.
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Another idea is to go on an Ivy League school's board and rip them a new one. I doubt their egos could handle our insults, regardless of how inane and untrue they are.

Hodge said:
It quite possible that someone will get smart (i.e. not the NASCAR board) and search for the usernames that we use. Since some of them are repeated from this site, this site would probably be higher up on a Google search than bucknuts would.
It might actually be fun to see another site try to invade our General Discussion Board. I think we are twisted enough that we would end up joining the fun and outdo any postings they could create. We could probably discourage about anyone, plus we always have red chicklets to hand out.
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What the hell?! <hr size="1"> I come on here and there's this BS buckeye fans talking the piss. You guys have shown you have no decency and I hope you have had your fun because it shows your immaturity and what Buckeye fans are really worth.

Assholes!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: -->
<!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <hr size="1">

<table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%"> Ballguy

Posts: 38
</td> <td class="m" align="left" valign="top" width="80%"> Posted: 3/16/05 5:21:45 pm
Re: What the hell?! <hr size="1"> They just swarmed in like a plague of locust. All very funny stuff to everyone back at the frat house, I'm sure.</td></tr></tbody> </table>
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I don't know the IP's (I'm sure some do... wink, wink) but some of the admin's at BN check this site and have passed along the info that it wasn't BN posters... if you really want to be under the radar, it might be wise to discuss future raids via PM... just a thought to toss out there if you really want to surprise somebody...
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Alan said:
What the hell?! <hr size="1"> I come on here and there's this BS buckeye fans talking the piss. You guys have shown you have no decency and I hope you have had your fun because it shows your immaturity and what Buckeye fans are really worth.

Assholes!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: -->
<!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <hr size="1">

<table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%"> Ballguy

Posts: 38
</td> <td class="m" align="left" valign="top" width="80%"> Posted: 3/16/05 5:21:45 pm
Re: What the hell?! <hr size="1"> They just swarmed in like a plague of locust. All very funny stuff to everyone back at the frat house, I'm sure.</td></tr></tbody> </table>

"There's this buckeye fans talkin the piss?"

Repeat after me, "There are these buckeye fans....."
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