Block O tickets sold out FAST this year. The seats aren't the best, but there's a reason they're so hard to get. I sat there for the Illinois game (:() last year and it was easily the best experience I've had at a sporting event. Better than the Steelers vs. Ravens the day after Christmas in Pittsburgh, better than Mario Lemieux's last home game (when he retired for the first time), better than anything. The energy in that little section is unbelievable. I wanted tickets in Block O this year, but I was too late.
It's still the same as osugrad21 said it was seven years ago, or it was last season at least. You're expected to participate, you line up way before gates are open to guarantee your seats, etc.
Two Block Os would be fantastic. :)
It's still the same as osugrad21 said it was seven years ago, or it was last season at least. You're expected to participate, you line up way before gates are open to guarantee your seats, etc.
Two Block Os would be fantastic. :)