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Actually I'm intrigued by this easy assertion that finishing early is a detriment to the conference. (And that's not a knock on lv, but more the media who keep saying such things each week following the TSUN game until the bowls are chosen). So, with the exception of TSUN last year getting dropped and leapt, just as Georgia was dropped and leapt this year - when has the Big 10 finishing typically one week, or at most a fortnight early actually, really hurt the Conference?
(And please don't come back with 51-day lay-off arguments, that is a totally diferent matter entirely).
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And we did not gain much from our preseason scrimmage with the Penguins.

This board needs more accountants.

Home and Home series cost the school several million dollars ($60 x 105000 + a bunch of hot dogs).

We gained a lot from our game with the Penguins. And if you think it all went to Title IX go check out the new WHAC. It's a machine. You put quality facilities, high paid coaches and and highly recruited players in the front and money comes out the back.
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sandgk;1024579; said:
Actually I'm intrigued by this easy assertion that finishing early is a detriment to the conference. (And that's not a knock on lv, but more the media who keep saying such things each week following the TSUN game until the bowls are chosen). So, with the exception of TSUN last year getting dropped and leapt, just as Georgia was dropped and leapt this year - when has the Big 10 finishing typically one week, or at most a fortnight early actually, really hurt the Conference?
(And please don't come back with 51-day lay-off arguments, that is a totally diferent matter entirely).

Well, why wouldn't the 51-day lay off be a valuable arguement?

tOSU consistently has to wait from mid-November until after New Years, resulting in over 42 day layoffs, and even longer when they reach the BCS Championship.

Not playing in a game for over 6 weeks is a huge factor, and while it does help them that they can wait and watch teams drop off while they have completed their schedule, I would rather see them not have to be sitting around as long.
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Ohio State football game with Michigan will be after Thanksgiving, starting in 2009

Football game to be after Thanksgiving

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
The Ohio State-Michigan game is moving back on the calendar. Starting with Thanksgiving week 2009, the Big Ten Conference is choosing football over Butterball.
On Dec. 2, Big Ten school presidents voted to support a 13-week conference football schedule, pushing the final weekend of the season to after Thanksgiving, Big Ten spokesman Scott Chipman said Monday. That would allow teams one week off during the 12-game regular season. Since the NCAA adopted a 12-game schedule in 2006, many Big Ten coaches have been clamoring for a bye week to give coaches and players a mental and physical break instead of three straight months of football.
Other coaches, including Ohio State's Jim Tressel and retiring Michigan coach Lloyd Carr, staunchly supported the Big Ten tradition of ending the season before Thanksgiving, though no other conference in college football finishes as early. This season, 48 major college football games were played Thanksgiving week, in every conference but the Big Ten.

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ScarletBlood31;1024610; said:
Well, why wouldn't the 51-day lay off be a valuable arguement?

tOSU consistently has to wait from mid-November until after New Years, resulting in over 42 day layoffs, and even longer when they reach the BCS Championship.

Not playing in a game for over 6 weeks is a huge factor, and while it does help them that they can wait and watch teams drop off while they have completed their schedule, I would rather see them not have to be sitting around as long.

the only reason I don't find the 51 day layoff as an excuse is this will be OSU's 5th BCAS bowl. Three of which took place the week of or on January 1st. that is only a week longer than the BCS bowl and we certainly played well in the previous BCS games.

That being said the long layoff whether it be Jan 1 st or later does OSU no good. It is becoming clear that ending the season early may not help them in polls either. Like it or not the media has a voice in the polls and if they keep harping on us finishing early it will hurt us at some point.

As a fan I am all for extending the season. There is nothing more boring then when the season ends and the time you wait for the bowls (good ones at least) to start up. A season that ends later reduces that wait and my anxiety.

Tradition is nice and all but times changes and we have to be willing to change with them.
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I think some years playing a week later will help the Big Ten, and others not so much.
Examples (just examples, don't shoot me):

Last year, had Michigan played a game the same day that Florida won the SEC CG, I think the polls are a lot closer than they were (maybe not with UM not winning the conference). Florida was fresh in everyone's mind, and nobody had even heard from UM for a couple of weeks. Outta sight, outta mind.

But, having finished 2 weeks earlier than everyone else, (somewhat) helped y'all this year. It probably would not have made a difference in the outcome of the OSU/UM game this year, but while y'all were finished, no chance of losing again, y'all got to sit back and watch the carnage unfold in front (something I'm sure WVA fans would have preferred over what did happen).
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Nutriaitch;1025819; said:
But, having finished 2 weeks earlier than everyone else, (somewhat) helped y'all this year. It probably would not have made a difference in the outcome of the OSU/UM game this year, but while y'all were finished, no chance of losing again, y'all got to sit back and watch the carnage unfold in front (something I'm sure WVA fans would have preferred over what did happen).

This only helps us because everyone else lost games this year. So long as we didn't have to face Illinois again the weekend after Thanksgiving, I see no way that playing then wouldn't have helped us.

That said, JT is "staunchly opposed" to a game the weekend after Thanksgiving, so I will go with his judgement on this.

Lastly, just a thought- while the 51 day layoff was probably a factor in the NCG debacle last year, I think a much bigger factor was the 10 days in Glendale before the game. Those guys had to have been bored out of their minds for the last 3 or 4 days, not being able to see their other friends and family; hopefully, this year will prove that theory.
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This may seem trivial and only be a small piece of the overall pie, but finishing before Thanksgiving was a selling point for Tress to the players. How many of these kids across the country are able to spend Thanksgiving with their families? Tress and the staff have made it a point of emphasis that they like being able to give the players a few days off @ Thanksgiving time. It has come up on a few different occasions when moving the scUM game back a weekend has been brought up. It was just a thought.

I think this huge layoff between games is a much bigger deal than people give it credit. Knockin' heads with your own guys is one thing but being in game situations and game conditions against an opponent is completely different. that's a long layoff between games. The Bucks didn't look ready to play. And people still want to defend OSU saying that their just as fast as the SEC. But on that night, they did look sluggish. Some of that credit should go to UF, but the Boyz just weren't ready to play. I hope they show up on the 7th.

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BengalsAndBucks;1026031; said:
Lastly, just a thought- while the 51 day layoff was probably a factor in the NCG debacle last year, I think a much bigger factor was the 10 days in Glendale before the game. Those guys had to have been bored out of their minds for the last 3 or 4 days, not being able to see their other friends and family; hopefully, this year will prove that theory.

I agree. It doesn't sound like it will be a problem this year. I think I heard the team is arriving like a day or two before the game. Something about their pre-week preparation needs to change from last year. I say scrap the entire itinerary and start from scratch.
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